Are we friends?

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Mads's POV

I was still trying to process that nick's family had just moved in next door. Wow know I can't make an excuse to see him everyday. But he's never going to like a girl like me. I was annoying af. The only people that I would talk to are the popular kids. I never considered myself as a popular kid. No one knew me as the quite kid and Jada as the baddest bitch. Well I knew Jada was always going to be like that and always will be known like that. I sat on my bed and just thought about what I was going through. Then my mom knocked on my door.

Ms.M: Hey can I come in?

M: Sure

Ms.M: Im sorry that I screamed at you

M: Its fine...I probably deserved that

Ms.M: No...You shouldn't...I...I just didn't think at that time what I was doing

M: Its fine...oh and also who are the new people next door?

Ms.M: Its the Austin family...and also get ready there coming over for dinner

M: Ok ill be ready in 10

Ms.M: Ok

I got ready and went down stairs. I was wearing this:

I went downstairs I helped my mom with setting the plates and helped her cook

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I went downstairs I helped my mom with setting the plates and helped her cook. When I was done the bell rang. I went to open the door and there he was...Nick. My mom snapped me out of my thoughts when she came behind me.

Ms.M: Hello nick its nice to finally meet you

N: You too...

Ms.M: Ms.Martinez but you can call me Ms.M

N: Ok Ms.M

Ms.A: Hi linda

Ms.M Hi Jo Anne

Ms.M: Come in, Come in

Ms.A: Thank you

I looked at nick and we made eye contact for 2 minutes until his mom called him. I was glad that Nick was our new neighbor. I mean don't get me wrong I would love for anyone else to be our neighbor but I was just glad that it was nick for some reason.

Ms.M: So nick hows school?

N: Its ok I guess

Ms.M: Well why don't you tell us what happened today?.. I mean if thats fine with you?

N: Umm...I guess...

Nick looked at me and knew that I would get in trouble for what I did for him today if my mom found out that it was him. She would be glad but she would think that me and nick are a thing and that wouldn't be good.

N: I was walking down the hall when I bumped into someone...

Ms.M: Ok

N: Then I got to class late because I didn't know where the class was and...

He looked at me and I looked down cause I knew that he was going to tell wheat I did. I got up and went to my room but before I excused myself.

M: Excuse me Im going to my room I don't feel that good

Ms.M: Ok well ill check up on you later you should get some rest...

M: Ok Im sorry that this night didn't end how anyone expected to be

Ms.A: Its fine sweetie I hope you feel better...

I went to my room and just sat on my bed. I just thought of everything that nick was going to tell. I can't believe that I helped him and this is what he pays me back. I was right all boys are the same!!

Nick's POV

When mads left the table I felt like my whole world was about to end. I asked Ms.M if I could go to the restroom and she said that it was right next to Maddison's bedroom. I went up stairs and went to mads room. I walked in and she was sitting on her bed crying. I went up to her. She looked really bad.

N: Mads are you ok?

M: Leave me alone!

N: Im trying to help you


N: Why are you acting like this?

M: Your not going to understand

N: Ok well if you don't tell me whats going on how I'm I suppose to help you?

M: You can't help me

N: Mads how are you so sure?

I sat next to her and gave her a hug. She hugged me back and it felt like this moment was never gonna last. I was happy to be able to make her feel safe but what if its something here in her home! What if she's in. danger and we don't know it yet!

M: Thank You

N: For what?

M: Being here for me *smiles*

N: Np *smiles*

M: Im sorry that I screamed at you

N: Its fine I understand...Well I think I should get going

I was about to walk out until mads stoped me. She got my wrist and pulled me close to her. I thought this would never end. She hugged me again. I was confused why she had hugged me again. I guess she felt really sorry that she yelled at me but I understood her because that happens to me when someone that I love or care for gets hurt.

M: Can you stay?

N: Yea

M: Thank You

N: Its fine

We went back to her bed and she feel asleep on my lap. She looked so peaceful until her mom came in the room.

Ms.M: What are you doing in here?

N: ...

Ms.M: Im asking you a question!

M: Mom leave him alone!!

Ms.M: Really why would i do that?

M: Because its not his fualt!..Its mine

She looks down and starts to cry. I was worried about what if shes not that type of person that rveryone was saying about. Shes sweet, kind, and also cute. Wait...No...Yea she is cute. I didnt like to see her like this. I left and me and my mom went home. When we walked in the house i went strait to my room and them I saw that there was a connecting tree from my window to mads window. I went through the tree and knocked on mads window.

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My mom finished welling at me and i went back to my room. A few minutes later I heard a knock on my window. I got up and looked at my window and it was nick. I was glad it was him. He made me feel safe. Well at least the few minutes that we had together. I ooened the window and went outside were my tree was. We sat on the tree and saw the sun set.

M: Im sorry that my mom screamded at you.

N:Its fine its not like were together were just friends.

M: Right friends

I looked down and just gave up. Nick was different than most guys and im glad that he is. I just don't think thats going to last. Did I even want to be friends with him? He probably doesn't like me so were just friends. I want to be more than friends but that will never happened. What boy likes me. Im

WC: 1194

I Had to Go! - Nick AustinWhere stories live. Discover now