He cant be!!

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We got to the hospital and then we saw Nick's mom. We went up to her.

Ms.A: Omg thank god ur here

M: Yea

I still had tears in my eyes bc I've been crying the whole way there. I couldn't believe that he was gone.

J: Where is he??

Ms.A: They toke him to a diffrent room and then their trying there best to bring him back but theres only 5% that he would come back

I just fell to the floor. Jada hugged me bc she knew that Nick ment everything to me. He couldn't just leave. He just cant.

* Hours Later *

It was already 9 p.m and we were still trying to see what happend to Nick. Jada had fallen asleep on my lap. Then the doctor came out. I got up and Jada woke up.

D: Hi is Ms.Austin here

M: Yea

Ms.A: Hi

D: Yea so we tried our best but he will still be in there for 2 hours to get test done

Ms.A: Ok

The doctor left and I was just crying. Jada held me tight and now I'm going to go with the guilt of moving away just knowing that Nick is not going to be here.

Ms.A: U guys should go home and rest I will call u if something happens

J: Ok...Come on mads

We left and we went back home. I went to my room and just cried myself to sleep. All that was on my mind was what was I going to do without nick.

* In the morning *

Mads POV

I got up and went into the restroom. I didnt want to go to school today bc of what happend yesterday. Nick's mom hasn't called me. I got ready into this outfit:

I went downstairs and saw my mom

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I went downstairs and saw my mom. She came up to me and hugged me. I cried into her shoulder.

Mo: Its going to be ok I promise

M: But I never got the time to tell him

Mo: Ik sweetie u go to school and I'll get off of work early and pick up u and Jada ok

M: Ok

I left and got in Jada's car and left to school. When we got to school everyone looked at me and Jada. We went to first period and then the phone rang. I thought that my mk km came but it was for another thing.

I went to lunch and me and jada sat where we always sit. Then kris and the group came to us. I wasnt having it so I just ignored them.

K: Hey

J: Hey

K: Hows Nick??

J: ...umm

M: How come u care now!!

I Had to Go! - Nick AustinWhere stories live. Discover now