Is it all my fault??

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Mads POV

I had a million questions running through my head. I just broke down because if it wasnt for me nick wouldnt be in the hospital rn. It's all my fault!!

J: Hey Mads its going to be fine I promise

M: Are u sure

J: I'm positive...Nick hes strong and hes going to get through it ok

M: Ok

I was feeling a bit tired so I went to sleep. I didnt think of anything just Nick. Jada was right Nicm is going to be ok. Je is strong Nd he will get out of the hospital soon.

* 2 weeks later *

Mads POV

I was back home and I got up and checked the time. I got ready into this outfit:

And went downstairs. I saw my m ok m and jada there. I went into the kitchen to get a bowl of cereal.

J: Hey mads so today were go in ng to the hospital to see Nick!!

M: Really!!

I was happy that i got to see nick today it's been 2 weeks since I got out the hospital and nick was still there. I finished my cereal and ne and jada went to her car and went to the hospital.

* At the Hospital *

Me and Jada went to the front desk and asked for Nick.

Front desk: Underlined
Mads: Normal

Hi how may I help u

Hi yes were looking for Nick Austin

Oh yes Austin um...Room 327 Floor 3

Ok thank so much

No problem

We went to the third floor and we were just outside his door when I got nurses.

J: Hey its going to be ok

M: Ok

I knocked on th door and his mom opened it. She hugged me and Jada and told us that he was asleep rn. I looked on the bed and he was there. He looked like he was in so much pain. 

I went to the bed and held his hand then I saw that he was waking up. I smiled to myself to know that he was ok but ig if it wanst for my fault he wouldnt be here rn. He opened his eyes and smiled at me.

M: Hey Nick

N: Hi Mads

I hugged him and it felt like I never wanted to let go. After the hug his mom and Jada left the room.

M: How are u feeling??

N:  A bit better but my stomach still hurts

M: Oh well that's good right??

N: Ig

M: I'm glad that ur ok Nick

N: Me too

It was silent until he spoke up.

N: Why did u do it Mads??

I Had to Go! - Nick AustinWhere stories live. Discover now