Just let me help you!

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I woke up and toke a shower. I was ready for school so i went downstairs to say bye to my mom since i walk to school now.

N: Bye mom!!

Ms.A: Bye sweetie, Have a good day!!

N: Ok

i went outside and started to walk when i was walking I was thinking of Mads. When i looked up i was at school and i was ready i guess. The only friends i had was Mads and Jada. I was going to make new friends this year. Hopefully. When i was going to my lokcer i saw jada enter the building but she looked sad so i went up to her.

N: Hey Jada why are you sad?

J: Nothing...I have to go...

N: Ok?...Oh also have you seen Mads??

J: Umm...Ill see you later nick!!

I didnt know what to do. Why was jada acting weird? Its probaly a girl thing i guess. What if something happend to Mads? No...stay positive. But how can i if i dont know if shes ok?


When i was walking to school i got a text from Mads that she wasnt feeling to good and if nick asked just say that she was sick! This doesnt sound like her and i wasnt going to worry nick. Well at least thats what i thought. I walked in and then saw nick in his locker i tried to walk pass him but he saw me and asked for Mads. Well i didnt want to tell him anything so i just told him bye and thats it. I was scared for mads because when she would say shes sick is probaly because her dad would hit her and she would have a scar from it.



I was going to get ready for school but also had to make an excuse for Jada and Nick so they didn't think much of it. I got ready into this outfit and headed downstairs:

I was on my way downstairs when I was my dad hit my mom

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I was on my way downstairs when I was my dad hit my mom. I felt bad but also knew that if I got in it I would have been in real trouble with my dad. My dad is one of the people in my life were I do what he says and no one can change that. Yesterday when my dad came home from work he came in my room and slapped me in my face. I knew my mom wouldn't have kept anything she told him even though she knew what he was going to do to me. 

I walked outside and half way of the walk I go picked up Jada from her house since we live near each other.

When I called her to go come outside and when I knocked  on her door. She came out and we started to walk to school. She looked at me and told me what was wrong? 

M: Nothing 

J: Something is wrong what is it!! Why  do u have a red mark on ur face??

M: NOTHING!! I...I just fell

J: Fine!!

We reached the school and I walked to my locker and Jada went to hers. I saw nick but I didn't want to talk to him. I wasn't feeling good and didn't want to talk about it. Nick came up to me but I just waled away. I didn't want to know anything about Nick or Jada. I went to class and sat in the back.

I was usually in the front next to jada and nick. I never sat in the back unless im mad or something that happened at home. When jada walked in she was with Nick.  

I got up walked out of class. I started to walk towards the exit until I felt someone grab my wrist. I turned around and he pulled me closer to him. I looked him in his eyes and  then he was leaning in when jada came out and saw us.

I felt bad for her because I never wanted to hurt her. It wasn't my fault nick pulled me close to him. I kinda liked it tho. I know that him and jada are a thing but I was feeling like I was going to throw up and ran to the restroom. When I ran to the restroom nick saw me and followed me. He was right there while I was throwing up. I started to cry.

N: No...Dont cry your going to be ok I promise

M: Thank You 

He pulled me and I hugged him and then he hugged me back. I felt safe in his arms. We stayed like that for 15 minutes until jada came running in. She looked at us and just said 

J: Mads your mom is here and she's coming!!

M: What!!

J: Nick you have to hide before her mom comes!!

N: Where tho??

M: In the stall

J: She's coming!!

M: Im scared

N: Its fine im right here if you need me ok 

M: Ok

Jada just rolled her eyes and pushed nick in the stall. I was kinda sad to know that Jada and Nick are dating but I knew we could still be friends. Then I saw my mom bust open the door. I was scared to be honest.

Ms.M: There you are...your father needs you!!

M: No mom please *with tears in my eyes*

Ms.M: I don't care...your lucky he doesn't do anything-

I didn't want nick or jada to hear what she was going to say so I just cut her off.

M: Ok *tears rolling down my cheeks*

Ms.M: Come on now he's waiting

M: K

I knew what he was going to do to me. The stupid part is that my mom would allow it. I felt like no one cared about me. My mom or my dad. Why was I even born. We got home and I didn't know what happened next.  I went to my room and my dad was right there laying on my bed. I just wanted this to be over. He then got up and came towards me. I was backing away until I hit the wall with my back. he got to me and started kiss my neck. He smelt like alcohol. Why was my life a total upside down.  I didn't feel anything until everything went black. 

*2 weeks later* 

Mad's POV 

I woke up and wasn't in my room. I looked around and noticed I was in the hospital. When I looked around I saw nick and jada through the window in the waiting room. I saw the doctor come in with my mom. I looked at her snd then seen the doctor. She tried to hold my hand but then I just pushed her away. Why was she here after she left me with that horrible person. She looked at me and knew I didn't want her to touch me.

Ms.M: Please Maddison

M: Let go of me 

Ms.M: Maddison please just let me explain.

M: No this all happened because of you

Ms.M: It wasn't supposed to go this far!!

M: Well why did you allow it to happened since it wasn't supposed to get this far??

Ms.M: I don't know

She left the room and I was just going to the restroom when Nick came in. I didn't want to see anyone so I just ignored him. I didn't want to talk so I just stayed no the bed. Jada walked in and I was a little nervous because she knew what happened. I just can't see nick right now. He told me that he was there for me and if anything happens he would come out but apparently im a joke to him. Why...I was right all boys are the same.

I Had to Go! - Nick AustinWhere stories live. Discover now