Why am I so stupid?

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Mads POV

I was siting on my bed when my phone was blowing up. What now I didn't want talk to anyone so I just ignored it. I looked at the time and it was 6 p.m already. I was asleep for that long. I looked outside my window and say jada kiss nick and she left his house. I guess I still liked him. I looked at jada and she didn't seem the same. We all change but not the way she did. I went downstairs and saw my mom and my auntie.

A: Hey Mads

M: Hi

A: So me and your mom were talking about the case...and you have a few months and your going to live with me in LA!!

M: What!..No im not going to LA

Ms.M: You have to since I allowed your dad to umm...Yea there not letting you stay with me no more im sorry *wiped her tears*

I ran to my room and sat on my bed and stared to cry. I didn't want to live in LA im not going to have the same thing that I have here. My phone kept buzzing so I looked who it was and it was Kris. (He is part of her group and best friend after nick) I had 90 missed calls from everyone. When Kris called me he seemed sad, mad or even scared.

K: Mads...

M: Yes

K: Where are you??

M: Home...Why??

K: You can't stay there come to Jadas house

M: Why??

K: Just come we don't have all day!!


*End of Call*

Why would he call me?? Now im going to have to go to Jadas house. It wasn't that long from my house to hers it was like a block or two away. I went in my car and went to her house. When I got there I went in to find the whole group there.

M: Ok now do you want to tell me what is going on!!

Everyone: ...

J: Tayler is coming for you!!

M: WHAT!!!

K: This is why i dint want to tell you on the phone

M: Why me tho??

Everyone: We don't know

We just stayed there and I told my mom that I was going to stay at Jadas. I then told everyone that I was going to move in with my auntie. They didn't seem that happy. I mean like what were they going to do without me. I was sad that I was going to leave everyone but especially Jada. We've been friends since we were vary little and now im going to leave her all alone.

Kris's POV

We all knew why Tayler was coming for mads. She was the closest to nick and he knew that if he got near her nick was going to be mad and everything was going to happened all over again but this time its going to be nick's fault and he's not going to come back this time. We all didn't want to tell that to Mads because she's been through enough these past years.

We just stayed together and one of us was always with Mads just in case something was going to happened and Tayler wanted to come near her. I felt bad because she cares about everyone to much and she would let her be hurt instead of us. We weren't going to tell Mads anything that was our plan before mads came through the door.

*Weeks Later*

Mads POV

I woke up and put this outfit on:

I Had to Go! - Nick AustinWhere stories live. Discover now