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Mads POV

I woke up and Jada was about to make a turn. I looked over to the window and saw that we were around my moms neighborhood. I sat up and looked out the window. Jada looked at me and looked back at the road.

J: Finally u woke up

M: How long have I been asleep??

J: Um idk

M: Ok

J: Were almost there

M: Ok

She kept driving and I went on my phone. I unlocked my phone and saw one of mine and Nick's pictures. I smiled then I saw that I had 5 unread messages from Nick. I went to his contact and saw the text.

Nick❤: Hey mads look I'm sorry
8:30 p.m

Nick❤: Buds pls just talk to me I'm sorry

Nick❤: Mads I get that ur mad with me but pls just tell me ur ok!!

Nick❤: Mads pls I care abt u just tell if ur fine or not

Nick❤: Pls just say something to me

Mads: I'm fine Nick and it's fine it was my fault for not telling u I'm sorry

Nick❤: Ok and it's not ur fault I overreacted

Mads: U kinda did tho

Nick❤: Ik I did

Mads: Ily

Nick❤: Ilyt

We got to my moms house and we knocked on the door. Then my mom answered the door. She looked so happy. I was glad that I could come and be with her. We went inside and then there was a knock on the door. I opened it and it was the group. I looked down and Jada came up to me and my smile went to a mutual look.

J: Hi

TG: Hey

We let them in and I went to sit on the  sofa. I was in between of my mom and Jada. They talked and then they left. It was kinda awkward since the last time I talked to them it didn't go well. They said they were going to come and ig I didn't want them to come.

*Time Pass*

We said goodnight and me and Jada left to my old room. We got there and I changed into my pjs.

Me and Jada were on my bed and she fell asleep and I was just looking up at the ceiling

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Me and Jada were on my bed and she fell asleep and I was just looking up at the ceiling. Then I got a notification and I checked it and it was Nick.


Nick❤: Hey buds

Mads: Hiii

Nick❤: Well im going to sleep I'll call u tmmrw gn buds

Mads: Ok gn

I put my phone on the nightstand and then I fell asleep. I woke up and got in the shower and changed into this:

I came out the restroom and saw Jada was not in the room

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I came out the restroom and saw Jada was not in the room. I went downstairs and headed to the kitchen. I was walking to the living room when I heard Jada talking to someone and I went towards her. I saw who was at the door.

It was Nick I jumped up and down and hugged him. I couldn't stop smiling. I was happy that Nick came.

M: What are u doing here??

N: I came to see u and to tell ur mom Happy Birthday!!

Ms.M: Nicholas Austin

N: Hi Ms.Martinez...happy birthday

Ms.M: Thank U sweetie...how have u been?? I haven't seen u and the girls together since who knows when!!

N: I've been good and it has been a long time

Ms.M: How's ur mom??

N: She's good

Ms.M: That's good to hear

M: Nick didn't you have something planned with the house??

N: Yea but I cancelled

M: Oh

N: Yea

J: Okkk...um what are we going to do today??

Ms.M: Umm idk what do you guys want to do??

M: Were going to go eat breakfast and then we'll figure out what were going to do

J: Ok

We were walking out the door when we saw the gang in front of the street. We got in the car and I was driving and my mom in the passenger seat. We drove by them and we went to a restaurant.


Hey ik that I havent posted in a long time but if u guys have any ideas I can do I would appreciate it thanks ❤

I Had to Go! - Nick AustinWhere stories live. Discover now