Chapter 6

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When I wake up I was in Sam's arms. Again. I panicked and quickly got up. My head started throbbing as I quickly got off the bed.
"Nicole?" Sam asks as she stretches.
"What am I doing here?" I ask him.
"Nicole calm down." He says softly.
"I'm not going to calm down till I know why I'm here!" I shout and my head throbs.
"Nicole I'll tell you just calm down. Please." Sam said to me. He has never once been nice to me or say the word "please" unless it was to his parents. I take a deep breath and nod.
"Last night you went to Jack's party and you got a little drunk." He says.
"I did not get drunk! Matt got me...shit." I say realizing that Matt spiked my drink.
"Okay after that you stumbled over to me and we sorta kissed." He says to me. I honestly was shocked.
"How did we sorta kiss?" I ask him.
"We actually made out and Matt stopped us. I drove you home and you spent the night here." He explains.
"You drove home? You could have killed us! Drinking and driving don't mix!" I shout at him.
"I wasn't drunk. I didn't drink." He tells me.
"Then let me kiss you? You-you took advantage of me!" I shout more angry than I was before.
"Nicole please let me finish. You told me to remind you of our conversation we had last night." He says to me.
"Which was?"
"You asked me if I liked you, liked you more than friends. I said yes. Even though we aren't friends Nicole I still really like you."
"Stop lying Sam. I would never ask you that."
"But I'm not lying! Nicole why would I lie about my feelings?" He asks me. That was true. Why would Sam lie about this.
"I don't know! But I know nothing good can come from it! I wasn't drunk, I didn't kiss you, and I never asked you how you felt about me." I say to him. Sam quickly walks up to me and kisses me. His hands were on my waist. I hesitate for a few seconds then I kiss him back. I place my arms around his neck and he pulls me closer to him. His lips were so soft and his touch was warm and gentle. Why was he doing this? I pull away after a few seconds and shake my head. "Why? Why Sam? Out of all people why did you choose me? Especially since you know how I feel about you." I say to him.
"Because I realized I never hated you. I actually had no reason at all to hate you. Nicole there are all these things about you that I just noticed. You're perfect. You're so beautiful but you think otherwise. I noticed that when we woke up Tuesday. I didn't accidentally sleep with you like that I meant to." He says to me.
"Sam...I-I can't handle this." I say picking up my clothes.
"Can't handle what?" He asks me.
"Try to figure out what you want from me and why you're doing this to me!" I shout and run out of his house and toward mine.

When I get home I quickly go up to my room and lock my door. I pull out my phone and see that I had some messages. Most of them were from Matt asking if I was okay and there were a couple from Sam. Most but out of the messages they were from unknown numbers sending me pictures of Sam and I kissing and some of Matt and I dancing. I look at what they said and many people called me a slut or a whore and even "Sammy's slut" then there were those people who said I paid Sam to kiss me. Things have gotten out of control and I was already done.

I get a call from Matt and quickly wipe away my tears.
"Hey Matt what's up?" I ask him.
"Nothing what about you." He asks me.
"I-I'm doing nothing." I say trying not to let him hear me cry.
"Nicole are you okay?"
"No Matt I'm not." I say quietly.
"I'm coming over. No arguments." He says then hangs up. I curl up in my blankets and wait for Matt to come over.

Matt's POV
When I arrive at Nicole's house I walk and knock on her door. No one answers. I walk in and run up the stairs. I look and fun only one room with the door closed. When I open the door I find Nicole laying in her bed crying.
"Nicole what's wrong?" I ask her kneeling beside her.
"E-everything..." She says I keep hearing her phone to continuously buzz. I pick up her phone and see many people texting her calling her a whore and slut.
"Nicole don't listen to them. They're just stupid." I say and slip my shoes off and climb in next to her.
"It's just hard not to." She says as she cries into my side. I sit there and comfort her when her phone starts ringing. It's a call from Sam. I turn off her phone so she can't see the messages she's getting.
"Let's go downtown and walk." I suggest. She nods and gets up.
"Let me change real quick." I nod and let her change. She was wearing black leggings with a grey sweater that shows her shoulder. She pulls on a pair of grey boots with that. She quickly brushes then braids her hair to the side.
"Let's go." She says as she grabs her phone. I follow her out and to my car.

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