Chapter 8

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I still never answered his question. Could we start over? Honestly I don't know. Sam's parents weren't home so we just walked up to his room. His parents wouldn't mind if I was over here, but it just felt weird.
"Sam what are we doing over here anyway?" I ask him.
"I have something for you." He goes into his closet and pulls out a teddy bear. "Here." He hands it to me.
"Is this-"
"Yes. It's the one your dad gave to you." He says looking at me.
"You kept it?"
"Of course. Now open it." He says more excited than I was. I open the zipper and pull out a key. "A key? For what?" He asks. I continue to look at it.
"I think I know what this belongs to. Come on lets go." I say to him dragging him to his car. We both get in with me in the driver seat.
"Where are we going?" He asks me.
"Back to the lake."

When we arrive at the lake we look around. "There." I say pointing to the huge lake house that's on the cliff overhanging the lake. I park Sam's car in the spot right outside of it and we walk up to it. "I came here when I was a little girl. I felt like I was a princess. I remember because the key, it made me feel like I could do anything with it." I put the key in the lock and turn it. The door opens and reveals the same house yet with a banner that said "Happy Birthday Nick"
"Who's Nick?" Sam asks me.
"That was my nickname my dad gave me. He told me Nikki was to ordinary and I was different. I was something special." I say walking around. Each room had a little note in it. The living room had all the same furniture that I adored. Same as the kitchen and dining room.
"This place is huge." Sam says to me.
"That not all of it." I say leading him upstairs. We walk into a small room painted purple with butterflies. "This was my room. I spent hours in here. Playing, having fun, daydreaming. Across the hall is my sister's. She never really got the chance to come here. Next to mine is my brother's. As you know he moved out three years ago. He's what 21 now?" I say as I'm speaking out loud. "This is my parents old room. This was my favorite room of the house because of this." I walk over to a pair of doors and open them up revealing a balcony looking out at the water. "The view is beautiful." I say as we both walk out on to it.
"Not as beautiful as you." Sam says smiling at me. I smile back and he grabs my hand.
"Let me show you the rest of the way around." I say to him. We walk around the rest of the house and I show him the guest room and the home theatre.
"This is really nice." He says as we walk back upstairs.
"It is. I just don't get why I have the key though.
"Hey you missed one note." Sam says grabbing it off the front door. I read it and cover my mouth. "What? What does it say?" Sam asks.
"R-read it." I tell him. Sam skims his eyes over it and smiles.
"You can use this house for your high school parties, friends goofing around, and even an escape place. The main reason I want you to have it is to have your kids to enjoy it as much as you did. Happy 16th Birthday and Happy Birthday for everyone I miss. I know you'll grow up to be a beautiful young woman. I want you to keep this house for you and your special someone to start your family. Again Happy Birthday and I love you Nick.

-Love Dad."

When Sam reads that I have tears slowly running down my cheeks. "This place is yours forever." Sam says smiling. I smile and hug him. He hugs me back.
"Come on let's get you back to your house." Sam says.
"I already am." I say jokingly.
"You know what I mean." I nod and we walk back to his car.

"Are you ready to go back to school tomorrow?" Matt asks me as he was on the phone with me.
"Not really." I tell him as I catch the ball I've been throwing up in the air.
"Well no matter what you'll have me there..."
"And me." Sam says interrupting Matt.
"Yea and Sam. We will be there for you, and if anyone gives you crap about anything expect them to have a black eye or a busted lip." Matt says. I giggle a little.
"Thanks Matt."
"Nicole come here for a second!" My mom calls from downstairs.
"Got to go Matt. I'll talk to you tomorrow."
"Okay bye Nicole. See you tomorrow." He says then hangs up. I walk downstairs to my mom and see that dinner is done.
"Yes mom?" I ask her as I reach her.
"Can you ask Sam if he wants to stay for dinner? We could take him home or he could even spend the night here." She says to me. I nod and run back upstairs.
"Hey you wanna stay for dinner? We could take you home or you can stay the night." I say to him.
"Sure I'll stay and...if I stay do I have to sleep in a separate room?" He asks smirking.
"Of course you do." I say and wink at him. He gasps.
"We have a bad ass over here!" He says teasingly. I roll my eyes and walk downstairs with Sam trailing behind me.
"Sam said he'll stay for both." I tell my mom.
"Okay. Hope you like my spaghetti Sam." My mom says to him.
"Who couldn't like it? It's the best there is." Sam says to her. She smiles.
"You and Nicole have been hanging out a ton lately. What's up with that?" My mom asks us.
"Let's just say we made out...a little time to talk." He says. My eyes go wide when I hear what he said to my mom.
"Well I'm glad you two are friends."
"I think we're closer than friends." He says smirking at me. I roll my eyes and turn to grab the tray of bread to the table. When my hand connects with the tray I feel a hot pain on my hand.
"Shit!" I shout quickly removing my hand from the tray.
"Nicole!" My mom glares at me.
"Sorry. I-I didn't realize the try was still hot." I say to her.
"Are you okay?" Sam asks coming over to me.
"My hand just hurts." I tell him.
"Here run your hand under here and let me get what you need." Sam guides me over to the sink and turns on the faucet. He comes back seconds later with a cream to put on my burn and a wrap to go over to it.
"Thanks." I say smiling at him. He nods and helps my mom finish setting up the table. "I'll go get Alexa." I tell my mom. She nods and I run upstairs. "Lexa. Dinner is ready." I say as I open her door. Her and her friend were looking at pictures of Sam on her friend's phone.
"Oh hey Nicole. You remember Ainsley right?" She asks me.
"Yea the one obsessed with Sam right?" I ask her. She nods. "Well I hope you're staying for dinner." I say smiling a little.
"I am why?" She asks. I smile and walk downstairs. They follow and when she sees Sam she stops.
"That's Ainsley. She's obsessed with you." I whisper to Sam. He nods and walks over to Alexa and they do their handshake.
"Tell me if I'm right but you're Ainsley right?" He asks her. She nods and he wraps his arm around her shoulders. "Well Ainsley I'm glad you're having dinner with all of us." He says pulling out a seat for her. She sits down and he scoots her in. I sit down across from Alexa and next to my mom. Sam sits down next to me and we begin eating.

"That was amazing mom." I say to her
"Thanks honey. Would any of you care to watch a movie with me down here?" She asks.
"Sure I would." Sam says.
"Me too." Ainsley says right after Sam does.
"I'm up for a movie." I say and Alexa nods. We all clean up and sit on the couch for a movie. It was me Sam then Ainsley on the couch. Lexa sat on the recliner next to the couch and my mom did the same but next to me. After a while my mom put in. "Stuck in Love" It's a good movie but it can be a little inappropriate at times. Somewhere at the beginning of the movie Sam covered us up with a blanket and grabbed my hand under the blanket. He also managed to steal kisses on my cheek and neck without people knowing. The movie finally ended and I found Alexa and Ainsley asleep. My mom turned everything off and went to bed.
"I'll get Alexa if you get Ainsley." I say to Sam. He nods we each grab our girl and take them up to Alexa's room. Sam and I go into my room and I grab him a pair of my brother's shorts and a shirt.
"Wear these." I say tossing them to him as I grab clothes of my own. I grabbed a pair yoga shorts and a white long sleeve shirt. It was fitted so it was able to show off my figure a little.
"Did you wear that just for me?" He asks. I shake my head and walk over to the light switch. "Well I like it. It shows you off which you need to do. You should wear it more often." He says and grabs my waist pulling toward him. He leans in and tries to kiss me.
"Goodnight Sam." I say pulling away and turning off the light. Sam gets in and and covers himself up. I crawl over him and to my side of the bed.
"Goodnight Nicole." I hear him say before I fall asleep.

"You'll never be good enough"
"No one likes you"
"You should just kill yourself"
All those phrases came back to me.
"Nicole is such a pretty name, why a pretty name for an ugly girl"
"Good thing sammy got away from you early enough, or else he would have ended up like you, pathetic and no one likes you"
No one knew what these people said to me.
"Go kill yourselfI like you've tried before"
I never heard anyone say that to me before, because no one knew.

It was freshman year. The whole school knew how Sam and I hated each other. I got bullied from it. Bullied so much to the point where I broke.
"No one will EVER like you. You will always be a WORTHLESS bitch. You're USELESS to anyone. You're the definition of TRASH. Don't bother putting on makeup because it won't cover up how UGLY you are. I feel bad for Sam who is forced to go to your house sometimes." That's when I broke. Calling me worthless, useless, trash, and ugly. That's not the worst but that's what broke me freshman year. I took pills. Too many. And I was so mad when that didn't do the trick. My friend Lauren found me on the floor of my bathroom. She took me to the hospital and I survived. She didn't know the truth. I told her I took the wrong pills and they did something weird to me. She believed me. The only person who knew the truth was me, the doctor, and Matt.

"Sam will NEVER like you."

I wake up quickly. Nightmares. That was the worst one yet. I had a small crush on Sam in 7th grade. It stopped when he pushed me down in the hall that year. Sleep was not an option at this point. I crawl out of bed and walk to my brothers room. He was one of the only people who could comfort me. Even though he was off at college it still felt like he was here. I curl up in his bed and stay wide awake for the rest of the night.

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