Chapter 17

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Matt's POV
The last thing I remember was pushing Nicole out of the way before a car hit her. I blacked out.

I can be your soldier.

I'm sorry for everything.

I love you so much.

I'll see you later.

I hear all of those things come from one person. But who? I couldn't see them and they're voice sounded so far away. Who was telling me these things? Who was talking to me?


My eyes flutter open and I'm blinded. A bright light hits my eyes and I slowly see things come to my vision. I see plain white walls, some pictures, a chair and a small table. A doctor runs into the room and sees me.
"Well hello Mr. Espinosa. Glad to see you awake." He says to me.
"Glad to be awake." I say to him. "How long have I been here?" I expected the answer to be only a day or two.
"'ve been here for three months." He says to me. I look up at him.
"T-three months?" I ask him. He nods.
"You're lucky though. You've had many visitors. But only one came everyday. Everyday except for this last week." He says to me.
"Do you know what her name is?" I ask him.
"Yes. They actually had to come here a few times for stitches and for a drug test." He says to me. "Her name is Nicole Hanes." I pull my hands up to my head.
"Oh no. Nicole." I mumble to myself. "What have they done to you?" I whisper to myself. "When can I leave?" I ask him.
"This usually never happens but you've recovered from everything and we were just waiting for you to wake up. So you can actually leave now." He says looking at all his papers.

I'm one lucky motherfucker.

"Awesome." I say and slowly get up. He helps me and I stretch.
"There's a shower over there and the girl brought clothes in for you. They're sitting on the table." He tells me. I smile gratefully at him and quickly go into the shower.

When I get out I'm wearing a grey Diamond sweatshirt, kaki pants, a red beanie and my black vans. I grab my phone and wallet off of the table. I call my mom quickly.

"Hello Matt?"
"Hey mom." I say through the phone to her.
"Matt! Oh my honey I'm so glad you're awake! How are you feeling?" She asks me.
"Good. I'll come home in a few but do you know if Nicole is at school?" I ask her as I put my keys into the ignition.
"Yea. Her mom actually called me this morning. She said she hasn't slept in days and she didn't want her going to school. But Nicole went anyway. I feel bad for her. She really needs someone right now." My mom tells me.
"Okay. Thanks. I love you and I'll be home soon."
"Okay. I love you to Matthew. Stay safe." She says then hangs up.

I make it to the school and it looks dead. I step out of my car and walk up to the school. Nicole was in chemistry so I knew there to go. As quickly as I could i run to the science he and find her class room. I knock on the door and the teacher opens it a little.
"Hello Mr. Espinosa. How are you?" He asks me.
"I'm good. I um...I came to see Nicole. Is it okay if I come in? Oh and I'll be coming back to school next week." I say to him.
"Yes of course." He lets me in and I stand at the front of the class room. I spot Nicole in her seat with a pair of teal skinny jeans on, a grey long sleeve shirt, a white scarf and a pair of navy vans. Her hair was in a waterfall braid and was curled. How do I know her hair was like that? She taught me how to do it on her hair. She looked so beautiful. But she looked so sad. "Nicole?" Her teacher calls from the front of the room. She looks up at him then her eyes wander over to me. When she sees me she slowly stands up.
"M-Matt?" She asks. I smile at her and she smiles big. Leaving her work she runs up to me and jumps in my arms. She wraps her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist. I wrap mine around her back and hold her tight. "Oh my god. I've missed you so much." She says while crying.
"I've missed you too." I say to her. She cries into my shoulder and I rub her back. I set her down and I wipe her tears. I smile at her and she smiles at me. I hug her again and kiss the top of her head.

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