Chapter 2

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When I wake up I was warm and comfy. I look around and notice that I wasn't in my room. I stretch and I feel something around my waist and on my stomach. It was a pair of arms. I follow them up to Sam. Sam's arms were around my waist and he was holing me close to him.
"Sam! Wake up!" I say trying to get out of his grip. When he wakes he sees me and where his arms are and quickly removes them.
"What the hell?" He asks me.
"Really? You're gonna blame that on me?" I ask him. He shakes his head and gets up. I do the same and walk over to the clothes he got for me. There was a pair of black shorts with a loose white t-shirt. I pull off my current shirt and start putting on the other one. That's when I noticed Sam looking at me in the mirror. "What are you looking at?" I ask him in disgust. He shakes his head and continues to brush his teeth. I quickly pull on the shorts and tuck the front of the shirt in a little. Going along with that I slip on my white vans. I look at myself in the mirror and grab my stuff to go pick up Alexa.
"Wait!" I hear Sam call angry.
"What do you want?" I ask him as I was about to leave his house.
"You don't say shit about what happened. I don't want people to think that I actually like you." He says to me.
"Yea same." I say to him and walk out the door. Yea I hate Sam but that hurt a little. When I get in my car I drive to my house to pick up my sister.

When I arrive at school I get some weird glares. It was only Tuesday and I want the school week to be over. When I arrive at my locker I see so many people looking at me then whisper to whoever was closest to them. Great rumors are already getting spread around about me.
"Nicole!" I hear someone shout. It was Matt.
"Hey." I say to him when he gets to my locker.
"How was Sam's last night?" He asks me.
"Could have gone better." I say to him as I grab out my text books.
"Really? Because that not what I've been hearing." He says to me.
"What do you mean?" I ask him concerned at this point.
"People are saying that you and Sam hooked up last night." He tells me.
"Oh really? And why are people saying that? Oh I bet I know why Sam had something to do with it." I say slamming my locker door closed. When Matt and I were walking through the halls we saw Sam standing talking to some of his friends. "Fuck you Sam!" I shout at him.
"You wish you could." Sam says to me.
"Actually no I don't. Stop telling people we hooked up last night." I say sternly to him.
"Why would I tell people that? You're probably the one telling people." He says giving me a glare.
"You're an ass."
"And you're a slut." He says to me then I walk away in anger. He just pisses me off so much I could kill him.

The bell rang which meant it was time for lunch.
"Hey. Things any better?" Matt asks me as I sit next to him.
"Not really." I say to him as I take a bite of a sandwich.
"Oh yea. How gross look." Matt says looking across the cafeteria at a group of boys licking and biting theirs lips while looking at me. I roll my eyes in disgust.
"Great." I say to Matt. As soon as I thought things couldn't get any worse a group of girls came up to me.
"Hey Nicole we heard you had some fun with Sam last night. How was he? Is he good? Is he rough?" A girl asks me.
"For the millionth time I did not hook up with Sam!" I shout at them standing up. Pretty much the whole cafeteria was looking at me. I was done with people for today. With everyone's eyes following me I walked out of the cafeteria.

I hated school so much. Just had to get trough practice and today would be over. When I changed into my practice uniform for the volleyball team I got some looks and heard comments. "Looks like she never even changed." Or "I bet she wore that to Sam's last night." Someone said. Everything they were saying was pushed away as we practiced. Volleyball was really the only place I felt relief. After practice the coach called me over.
"Nicole you did great today!" She says to me.
"Thank you." I say to her.
"How are the girls treating you? I know your a bit young young to be on varsity." She says to me.
"Everything is okay." I say to her.
"Okay. See you at practice tomorrow." She says to me. I nod and go get my things.

When I walk out to my car I see some writing on it. It says "Sammy's slut" all over it. Tears form in my eyes and I drive home.
"Hey honey how was school?" My mom asks me as I walk in. She was currently using FaceTime on our TV. I don't get why she uses it on the TV and not her laptop.
"It was okay." I say lying to her.
"Okay. Dinner will be here in 30 minutes!" My mom says as I start walking up the steps. When I reach my room and fall on my bed and start crying. I keep crying until I cry myself to sleep.

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