1. Damn Greenskins?!

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Knight Rhys had given Andrea his dirty work to do,he had assigned her to  clear out hotspots of the Feral Ghouls, Super Mutants and synths in the commonwealth

"Knight,if you have a moment,there's something I'd like to discuss with you" Danse asked ,he wasn't in his power armour,which was strange because I was too use to seeing him stomping around like a tin can ,his hair was stuck to his forehead with sweat dripping from his hairline as he stood leaning against the doorway  of the room she was in.

Andrea was slouched on a chair in the jail part of the station with can of cram in her hand and fork in the other"of course. what's on your mind Paladin?"she gestured him to sit down beside her

he had taken a big exhale as he  sat down,he fiddled his fingers as he spoke"After I was promoted to Paladin and I had moved on to my own squad,I received  word that Krieg was killed  at Adams Air Force Base  back before arriving in the commonwealth"

She listened to him as he spoke only knowing that she wasn't the only one who lost someone so close to them,she put her cram to the side and held his hands to stop the fiddling as he spoke

"The news was like being kicked in the stomach...I mean, I'd lost some of my brothers and sisters before,but his death.. well, it really got to me" he had a tear lingering in corner of his eye but wipe it away before Andrea could see it,Danse was what Andrea thought was a cold blooded soldier who just got the job done and never showed how much something how affected him,but turns out she was wrong about him."It's taken  me a long time to realise it,but the reason Krieg was so tough on me is the same reason i'm so tough on you"

Andrea thought for a moment before responding" It sounds like he was trying to motivate you,Danse"

"If he was, I never got the chance to ask..."he was staring at his hands which were now underneath her soft,smooth touch as he feels himself go red in the face

"If you mind me asking,what's the reason your so tough on me?"she asks as she gently wipes the sweat from his forehead with the sleeve of her jumpsuit.

"It's because I believe in you so much that I don't want to see any of your potential go to waste"

It was Andrea's turn to blush as he said that, it was the first time someone had ever told her that they   believed in her when all her life she was told she was a waste of chromosomes and  should've being aborted when given the chance to, she hadn't had any experience in positive feelings or actions in her life " I'm flattered that you  have so much faith in me, I've spent 27 years of my life being told i was a waste of chromosomes and a baby that shouldn't be living.Hearing you say that gives me hope"

He had no idea what she had gone through before she joined up with the Brotherhood but being given a small insight made it easier for him to work well beside her." I had no idea, and given that you've adjusted so well to our beliefs,makes me think that i didn't need to push so hard"

Andrea smiled and giggles slightly"so there is a human underneath all that tin can after all"

Danse lets out a soft chuckle as he spoke" Sometimes I need a reminder, but yes... there is."

" Thank you for taking the time to confide in me about your past, I appreciate it. Now would you like to accompany me to clear out Fort Strong  of these damn green-skins?" she addresses as she pulls him up,with the strength he didn't realise she had.

"I'd be honoured,Soldier"

- - -
After a long ride in the Vertibird they arrive just south of the fort at Nordhagen Beach,they were both in their power armour as the walked south to the fort there were some raiders up ahead of them as danse pulls the both of them to duck behind some cover.

"Raiders,abominations that we're once sane"Danse finally says as puts more cells in his rifle

"How do you wanna handle this? sneak attack or rush em?"she whispers as she does the same."or i can use my Fat Man take them all down at once?,your call,Paladin"

"Use the Fat Man but good luck looting the corpses afterwards"He quietly remarks

she rolls her eyes as she pull out her Fat Man from her bag she takes a few steps back as she loads a Mini Nuke into as she fires it hitting the 20 raiders killing them

"Good work soldier"Danse speaks, startling her a bit as he stands up,they continued down the road in silence occasionally shooting bloatflies and random ferals on the way.
"Why can't Rhys do this himself?,instead of sitting on his ass whilst others do his dirty work?" Andrea asked, breaking the silence that stood between them.

"You make a good point Knight,he's being lazy and it needs to stop,i'll follow up with a report to Maxson." he acknowledged

"For the love of God,stop calling me Knight. Call me by my name there's no need for the formal talk" Andrea muttered under her breath

"I apologise,Andrea"he apologised

She keeps walking before she finally spoke"i accept your apology"

Fort Strong slowly came into sight along with a group of super mutants and a behemoth
"for fuck sake,behemoth really?"she curses under breath"you shoot the mutants i'll shoot the behemoth"

She starts shooting the behemoth as it roared shaking the ground as it came closer to her,she crippled it as it started falling towards her, only just moving in time before it crushes her. she grabs her combat knife from her side and stabs it numerous times in the head before it stopped moving she starts to help Danse before she loots the behemoth

"AD VICTORIUM!!" Danse yells as he's shooting two green skins at once

she rolls her eyes as she shoots the remaining mutants leaving it down to the two Danse was shooting just before they shoot.

"You good,Danse?"Andrea yelled one Danse's direction

He nods as he picks up any supplies from the now decaying mutants as she does the same with the the behemoth only to find a weirdly large amount of Rad-X and Rad Away on them

why the mutants needed Rad-X and RadAway with them is beyond me

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