7. Visiting Diamond City

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Piper was shut out of the Green Jewel again. Every time Andrea came to visit.

"Piper why do you keep getting kicked out?" Andrea spoke startling Piper

"Andi?!"Piper turned around before rushing into her metal frame and hugging her" It's been too long"

Andrea hugged her back being careful not to crush her"it really has been too long"

"who's this? another potential interview candidate?"Piper says pulling away from the hug gesturing to Nate

"This is Nate he's a vault dweller like me except his son was kidnapped and his spouse killed" Danse spoke from behind Andrea
"Shit i'm so sorry,Hey Danny let these guys in! their here to see Nick!"Piper shouted

"Fine!" the voice from the intercom spoke before the gates started lifting up

As they headed inside Piper  told Nate to stop by Publick Occurrences after he saw Nick as they parted ways. 

As the got to Valentines Detective Agency Andrea greeted the synth
"Hey Nick got another case for you"

"Andrea it's been awhile how are you?"Nick turned around getting out of his chair to greet her"What's the case?"

"This is Nate,he's a vault dweller just like i was and he wants to find his son. i know you'll help him."Andrea asked"it's the least you could do after i saved you from Skinny Malone"

the synth rolled his yellow eyes and smiled"Very well, Take a seat Nate and we'll start from the beginning"

Nate does so as Andrea tells him"we'll meet you at Power Noodles"
As they said goodbye to Nick and Ellie,Nick's secretary, the leave the agency and head to the Andrea's second home from the Brotherhood,Home Plate, to store our power armour just before we were about to head to Power Noodle Danse stops them.

"This may sound like a strange question, but tell me... what do you think about Scribe Haylen?"Danse questions as he sits down on the couch.

"Scribe Haylen? Why, is something wrong with her?"Andrea responded slightly confused as she joined him on the couch but sat facing him with her legs crossed

"Not at all...Haylen's doing well, I simply wanted to talk to you about her, but i wanted to know what you thought of her" He reassures ,now facing her.

"Well...uhhh..She's as dedicated as they come. She's a real team player"Andrea responded unsure if that was what Danse wanted to hear

"But I wasn't looking for an evaluation of her performance as a scribe, I wanted to know what you thought of Haylen...as a person?"Danse spoke

"uh...'As a person?'...this isn't like you to ask me something like that."She raised an eyebrow at his statement

"No it's not...The truth is,i'm worried about her. Since you and I are getting along so well, I feel like i can confide in you about it... to get your honest opinion"He admits.

"I appreciate that you value my opinion so highly. Tell me what's on your mind."She spoke in a reassuring manner.Danse took a deep breath.

"A few months before you joined us, one of my men was shot multiple times by Raiders, Haylen stayed by the Knight's side for two days straight without sleep fighting to keep him alive... but he was on a slow decline. I decided that his suffering needed to end and i ordered Haylen to administer an overdose of painkillers so that he could die with dignity. "Andrea nodded holding onto his hands reassuring him"Even though I'm certain she wanted to continue fighting for that Knight's life,however she injected him without question"

"She did the right thing Danse"She spoke as she rubbed her thumbs of his hands

"Of course she did, but the decision whether or not to ease the soldier's suffering isn't the point here.The point is what happened later the same evening,Haylen approached me while i was on watch. She didn't say a word, but i could tell something was wrong..."As he continued to tell her about what Haylen practically went through when she joined the Brotherhood.

"Anyways thanks for letting me get that off my shoulders. I think it's been weighing on me"

she give him a soft smile "I'm here to listen whenever you need me too"

He smiles softly"Thank you Andrea"

After a moment of silence they left Home Plate and met up with Nate at Power Noodles. they spent the evening eating a lot of noodle cups and the occasional alcohol, it was around midnight when Nate left with Piper as the went back to Publick Occurrences to sleep and Andrea and Danse decided to do the same but at Home Plate.
As Andrea stumbled into the room Danse rushed to her side to help her walk"you should have some water before you go to sleep" Danse spoke sternly,keeping a tight grip on her hip to keep her from kissing the floor with her drunkenness.

"I don't wanna.."Andrea slurred"i need Buffout.."

He sighed as he sat her down on the bed before rummaging through the chem box in the room and pulls out buffout and hands it her

She murmurs a 'Thanks' under her breath before she injected it into her arm,resting her head on his shoulder as he was now sat next to her. "not gonna...lecture me on my chem...a-addiction Paladin?"She stutters out drunkenly.

"No it seems to help you with your nightmares and two your far from sober to be lectured right now" he softly mutters before he makes her lay down to sleep and gets up afterwards to keep an eye on her. "Danse..?"


"can you lay beside me? i don't wanna be alone" she whispers

"Uh.. if it'll make you sleep better..then sure"Danse hesitates for a moment before he climbs on the bed and lays beside her before she cuddles up to him, draping her arm across his chest and her head on his upper chest as she drifts off. He lays still before wraps his arm around her waist before drifting off himself.

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