2. Fort Strong Pt2

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Viewers Discretion is Advised
this chapter talks about mental heath conditions, self harm and many more. don't read if you sensitive to this sort of stuff with that being said enjoy this chapter and have a great day :)
Trigger Warning!

We entered the armoury shortly after looking all the super mutants and behemoth, there were more inside

"we're not alone."Danse confirms in a slight hushed tone

"no shit!, you can hear them stomping around"she whispers back, rolling her eyes
They snuck around the building taking out the super mutants individually before finally the last one dropped

"Let's rest a second and eat something" Danse orders as he takes his helmet off

"Good idea,want some Fancy Lads Cakes?"she smirks at him after also taking off her helmet from her power armour

"Those are my favourite, how did you know?"he replies,in a state of surprise

"Guess i'm psychic or something" she shrugs,handing him some Fancy Lads before eating some herself

- - -

They decided rest there for the night before heading back to the Station in the afternoon.

"Not gonna rest?"Andrea asked with her brow raised as she laid down in the sleeping bag

"No,i'm going to keep guard,besides you need it more than i do"Danse responds

"Don't be silly! , you can my sleeping bag with me if you want? i'm sure we can both fit"She responds

"You sure?"Danse asked,slightly caught off guard by her response

she nods as she moves over,he took a deep breath as he got out of his power armour and undid his jumpsuit and tied the sleeves around his waist as he got under it. She gives him a smile as she cuddles up to him and soon drifts off

She laid so peacefully against my chest, this was the first time i'd seen her so at peace and i wish it to stay that way..
her long brown hair laid in a messy bun with strands hanging out of it she was a beauty.

- - -
the sun grew by the time Andrea,she groaned, rubbing her eyes and sniffed as her eyes opened up to the beautiful sight of a sleeping Danse

which was a rare sight..

She smiles softly and places a nonchalant kiss on his cheek before she quietly wiggles out of the sleeping bag to make some food before they head ,back to the police station
soon enough she heard rustling in the sleeping bag, danse was awake

"Morning Tin can" she spoke as she sat at the cooking bench cooking some mongrel meat as it was the only meat she had on her.

"Morning Andrea, sleep well,i hope?"he asked with his raspy morning voice as he got up and stretched

"Had nightmares for the majority of the time but when I wasn't it was alright"she spoke mid yawn as she dishes up the meat on some clean plates she had collected "what kind of nightmares?" he asked as he sat down beside her and ate

"oh...just nightmares about my past" she hesitantly replies with food in her mouth
"Do these occur often?"Danse was curious about Andrea ,nobody knew anything about her, but nobody dared to ask either it was just how it was.

Andrea was getting therapy from Knight-Captain Cade about her nightmares which Cade had said 'must've been caused from the PTSD she had from her past'. "too often."she speaks before she cleans up their plates before putting them in her bag as she gets back in her power armour"i'll wait for you outside whilst the vertibird arrives" she responds as she steps out of the armoury
- - -

Danse felt bad that he slightly pushed her to talk with all the question

great job Danse she probably hates you even more now he thought,he sighed as he zipped up his jumpsuit and got into his power armour

- - -
Tears were flowing down her cheeks as she silent sobbed, she couldn't escape these nightmares she wanted a way out but didn't want to leave so she injected herself with Buffout just before Danse comes out
"The vertibird will be here soon i can hear it in the distant"she spoke as her voice broke. "Can i ask you something, Danse?",she took of her helmet to reveal blood shot eyes that showed she'd been crying
"Of course,"he put a reassuring metal hand on her metal shoulder
"What happened at Adams Air Force Base?" she looked at him for a brief moment

"Back in the Capital Wasteland the Brotherhood was at war with a traitorous group of rebels who called themselves " The Enclaved". They maintained a mobile command post at the remains of Adams Air Force Base, just outside of Washington D.C. the Brotherhood spearheaded an assault on the command post which was ultimately successful but costly.."
she nods softly"was you there to witness it?"
"I was. Quite a few soldiers died in that battle, Paladin Krieg was among them. He made his mark on history, and whether you chose to believe it or not, you have the potential to do the same."
"You earned that faith by your own hand" she says as the vertibird was now in sight.
"Well, I've said what I had to say and I hope it means something to you. I...trust you'll keep this in confidence of course.Some of that information was of a personal nature,and well, I'd like to keep it that way."
she nods "thank you for telling me this i appreciate"

Soon the vertibird lands as they get in,it soon lands in the courtyard of the Cambridge Police Station

"i need a beer.." she mutters as she leaves the vertibird and heads into the station

"Knight, did you clear out the Armoury?"Knight Rhys announced
"Yes"she replies before she heads into another room to take off her power armour and heads to the showers where she held her best friend

a broken razor blade

the numbness came and went but not once did she want it to. after washing my body she stepped back out, and hid her best friend in her pocket as she got into her jumpsuit and went back into the main area of the station with a beer in her hand after turning on the Diamond City Radio as Atom Bomb Baby starts to play from her Pip-Boy. She sat on the counter of the what would be a reception and leaned against the side wall and drank from her beer

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