12. Becoming Paladin

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After the Mark 28s were loaded into Liberty Prime and after Andrea spent the night at Red Rocket with Dogmeat she headed back to the Police Station

"Knight Rhys where the fuck are you?"Andrea shouted through her power armour

"What do you want? can't you see i'm busy right now" he coldly sighs

"That's not how you speak to a fellow Knight and all you do is sit on your ass all day!"Andrea shouts back at him "Now your coming with me,i'm taking you to the edge of the Glowing Sea. Grab the spare power armour and meet me on the roof in five. Do you understand me?"

he sighed as he got up "Fine"

Andrea started to walk up to the roof as she heard Rhys stomp behind her

"Where in the Glowing Sea are we heading to anyway?"Rhys growled as they eventually boarded the vertibird

"Poseidon Reservoir, we're grabbing more supplies"Andrea spoke keeping her calm with the asshole that was with her

((there were many times when i wanted to shoot Rhys' head off with the attitude he uses))

"Why must i join you?"he spoke clearly annoyed that his precious ass sitting was interrupted

"you do nothing but sit on that flat ass of yours all day long plus your a pain in the ass and Haylen deserves a break from you" She snarky tells him as the vertibird takes off and heads to Poseidon Reservoir"Now prepare to kill ferals as this place is swarming with them and search every inch of the place and any tools grab them too"

- - -

"it stinks in here!" he spoke

"that's you, your smelling" She chuckles as she searches through the drawers after stabbing the feral ghoul that woke up
"Rude"He rudely remarks

After putting several bullets into the ferals they made their way out of the building.

They continued to go to other places and clear out all the hostile abominations and pick up some Gwinnett bottles on they way.

"So Rhys how did you get into the Brotherhood?"Andrea asked trying to kill the deafening silence that lingered between them

"Why do you want to know? it's not like you cared to know before." he spoke defensively

"Hey there's no need to be rude!"She shouted at him as she threw down a  Vertibird signal grenade

"there's no need to shout!" he argued

"Well don't be an asshole then i wouldn't have to now would i?"Andrea sternly spoke.

he huffed as he leant against the wall off a building,Andrea simply responded to him by giving him the finger

If Danse was here he wouldn't act like a dick around her or around anyone in general

where is he anyways?

- - -

After they arrive back at the Station Rhys gets off and just walks back into the station as Andrea signals the lancer to head to the Prywden

The Commonwealth was silent as rain poured over the place socking anyone that was caught in it, Andrea turned the diamond city radio on as the vertibird got closer and closer to the Prywden when she injected Psycho into her thighs as she sighs in relief before the Vertibird jolts as it nears the catwalk of the Prywden where she was greated with Arthur.

She sighed as she stepped of the now docked 'bird and took of her helmet,allowing her long brown hair to flow out with the wind as she walked closer to the man she disliked the most

"Welcome back Knight" Arthur spoke as his arms stood behind his back

"You seem happy for once Elder" she coldly spoke as she walked past him,heading towards the command deck

Maxson jogged to catch up to her."I've been meaning to speak with you,Knight."

She stopped in place and looked at him"about what?"

he jumped back at her sudden hault "I wanted to promote you to Paladin..."he spoke"You've shown great leadership skills since you joined and Haylen's report speaks very highly of you."

"Thanks for the promotion Elder, if i only i could tell Danse the somewhat great news"she looked down,missing the company of the tin can

"I haven't heard a thing from him,well not that i can say at least"Arthur spoke with a expressionless face as the wind blew bits of his hair as he spoke.

Andrea's face grew cold,anger bubbled in her throat when she turns to face him fully as she gritted her teeth"What happened to Paladin Danse,Arthur Maxson!"

"That's not how you speak to your superior,Paladin" he warns trying to stay composed,he felt her metal hands grip his collar lifting him up in the air,he gulped

"I don't care, tell me Arthur where is Danse?!"She yelled up at him,gripping his collar of his battle coat tighter,slightly squeezing his neck"What have you done with My Tin Can!"

"I can't say where he is it's not the right time to we have other things to do before he becomes a priority."

She was loosing her temper at this point as she slams him against the wall beside the door to the command deck"TELL ME!"

"WHAT'S GOING ON HERE!" Captain Kells yells startling the two as Andrea glares at him with her anger displayed in her blue eyes.

She drops Maxson as he stumbles to his knees as she pushes passed them and heads the power armour station and leaves her armour before heading to Danse's Quarters as she slams the door behind her,sliding down it as tears left her eyes.

"where are you Danse?" she sobbed to herself before anger soon flooded her mind as the sad tears stopped angry tears began whilst she stumbled to her feet before she starts tugging at her hair in frustration as heavy breathing begins to escape her mouth.

Where could he be?Whats happening?nothing is adding up. I need you Danse more than ever,Please tell me your alright


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