19. Commonweath Super Mutant Knockout

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Danse and Andrea were out in the Commonwealth,finally putting an end to to the mutants.

Andrea was hurt pretty bad, a mutant hound had slashed at her leg with some force before Danse was able to put it down, the pair continued to wipe out the entire mutant population until one struck Andrea on the back of the head knocking her out cold

"FOR THE BROTHERHOOD!!!" Danse yelled just as Andrea's unconscious body hit the ground before he puts multiple fusion cells into the mutant's chest"Andrea!!!!"

- - -
((this is in Danse's POV))

I carried her to Cade anxious that the brutal force the abomination had used had killed the love of my life and Elder. My heart was pounded extremely fast like it was trying to escape my chest. I couldn't loose her not now not ever,she's the reason i'm still alive and in the brotherhood the least i can do is hope that she makes it.

She looks so peaceful all the facial muscles at a standstill yet she's so beautiful.

"Cade!"I yelled as I approached the clinic and rushed to place her down on the clinic bed

"What happened to her, Sentinel?!" Knight-Captain Cade spoke panicked about this situation as he starts to assess Andrea

"We were eliminating the final hundred of Super Mutants and Hounds out in the Commonwealth when Andrea got slashed in the leg by a hound but that's not why she's unconscious" I was pacing back and fourth in room

"The wound does seem pretty bad but I can stitch it up it'll leave a fresh new scar however. Explain to my how she's out cold though?" Cade spoke as he starts to stitch up Andrea's calf.

"We were looting the corpses of the mutants and didn't notice a mutant had snuck up behind Andrea until the abomination had whack her behind the head with who knows what. but I didn't hesitate to end it's life"I spoke as I sat on the corner that was beside the bed and held onto Andrea's hand.

"Hmm, that explains the trauma to her skull but she has a pulse though it's faint but it's there but she is alive so you can stop tensing"Cade spoke as he cleans around her stitches before bandaging around the calf"right that should keep the stitches in place."Cade disposes of the used cloth and antiseptic in the nearby bin

I relax myself a bit allowing myself to look more vulnerable."She's going to be okay,right?"

Cade turned to look at him"She'll make a speedy recovery but in the meantime she needs to rest and so do you. I'll keep an eye on her, Ad Victorium,Sentinel"

I sighed as i saluted back before leaving to the quarters and closing the door behind me before running my hands  through my now greasy,jet black hair before walking into the showers and humming a random tune whilst thinking intently

...Meanwhile in Andrea's conscious...

where am i?
why don't i recognise this place?
is this the afterlife?
am i in heaven?
am i in hell?

I stood in an open field dead flowers all around me,yet i don't recognise this place. Is this what i think it is?

i gasped, tears flooded my eyes as i hd my hand over my open mouth before i collapsed to the ground. The old lake house use to be here?! i used to come here when i was a teen to get away from the harsh reality back at home,my aunt had said to me that this place was my mother's favourite place when she and my aunt was growing up. I saw this place as a second home.

"it's terrible what happened to this place" i got up and turned to see a woman standing a few meters behind me dressed all in white hair in a side plait as the wind blew it about the place"Hello,my baby girl"

"Mum?" The woman smiled back, she looked just like me but older"It can't be? you died giving birth to me."
She started to walk towards me as i took a step back"Don't be afraid of your own mother now, i suspected I'd find you here."

Tears flooded out as I went with my instincts and ran into her arms"I'm so glad i got to meet you"

"I'm sorry for everything you're father put you through. He never was mentally stable.After I told him i was pregnant he tried to kill himself,he didn't want kids.I should've known he was bad news"she held me close as she told me everything

"Am i dead?"i whispered

"i'm afraid so, welcome to heaven my love, don't worry your father isn't here. but you can't stay."she spoke holding my face in her hands"He needs you back on Earth, Danse needs you. I've watched over you since the day you were born,i watched you struggle with life,I watched you wander out of Vault 22, and join the brotherhood. your doing amazing things Andi, it's not your time yet. your life is immortal your over 200 years old and you don't look it. live a strong healthy life."

She wipes my tears away as she placed a kiss on my forehead, she turns to walk away  before i grab her hand and she turns her head towards me"I love you mamma"

"i love you too,baby girl" and just like that she began to walk away until the bright ball of light blinded past her as she kept walking until i couldn't see her no more. 

- - -

"Sentinel!" I heard Cade yell for me as I sprinted out of my quarters to the clinic
"her pulse it's coming back, she was dead for a hour I was going to call it. but now she's, she's breathing again!"

She's alive.

i rushed to Andrea's side and grasped her hand as a tear of happiness rolled down my cheek.

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