11. Liberty Reprimed

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This chapter will be slightly shorter than the other chapters but only shorter by 198 words

At last it was time to finally power up Liberty Prime with the Beryllium Agitator.

Procter Ingram had gotten both Andrea and Danse to go to Mass Fusion to retrieve the Agitator a few days ago and now they needed to locate the Mark 28 stockpile that has the nukes.


"Danse,this rad storm is so strong I can barely move forward!"Andrea shouted to him as they walked in The Glowing Sea seeing nothing but irradiated scorpions, ferals and the occasional deathclaw.

"It'll get even stronger if we stop. We need to keep moving until we get to Sentinel Site Prescott and locate the stockpile."he shouted back to her as he held her power armoured hand with his as the approached the site.

After finding the stockpile and killing a single hoard of feral ghouls and a single Child of Atom fanatic, they stood in the middle as the Mark 28 surrounded them

"You should head back to the Prywden, Elder Maxson wants to speak to you."

"Then let's go." Andrea spoke as she held her helmet.

"I've been given strict orders to stay with the stockpile until reinforcements arrive and the nukes have been tested,counted and loaded"He spoke holding his laser rifles.

She hesitated for a moment, before cups his face and places a soft kiss upon his chapped lips catching him off guard as he melts into it for a split second before she pulls away."I'll head back to the Prywden then,Stay safe tin can"

he smiles softly before he places a kiss on her forehead and whispers a 'i love you' in her ear before she puts her helmet on and walks out after waving goodbye to her favourite Tin Can

- - -
((this will be in Danse's pov))

Haylen broke the news to me back at the police station.It couldn't be true,Could it?
I'm one of the abominations created by the Insitute.

i'm a synth!
After the vertibird took off with all the Mark 28s i called a separate vertibird

"Where to,Paladin?"the lancer asked him as he got into the vertibird

"Listening Post Bravo"

- - -

Andrea boarded the Prywden after the vertibird docked, as she was instantly greeted by a scribe

"Welcome back Knight Anderson, Elder Maxson wants you to report to his quarters at once"The  Scribe told her before saluting and walking away

that's  strange Maxson  never gives an order  to report to his quarters. what could be so important that he must discuss it in private?

She nodded and salutes back as she walks to the power armour station and leaves her  power armour before walking to Maxson's Quarters

Maxson's door was already open like he knew she was already back on the Prywden.She cleared her throat as Maxson shot up and gestures her to come in before she does so.

"Now that your here i have some important matters to discuss with you,have a seat"Maxson speaks as he pushes out a chair for her before he sits back down

"Oh,okay. but first why did you want me to come to your quarters and not to the area on the command deck that your always at?"Andrea asked as she closed the door behind her and took a seat in front of him instead of the one he pushed out for her

"Simply for privacy."He ended up telling her about his upbringing and everything there is to know about him, she didn't question why he was telling her all this but she was curious.

"Anyways that's all i wanted to discuss right now i have a vertibird on standby if you wanted to go back to Red Rocket to see that mutt you love."he spoke as he sipped the last of his bourbon and got up

"oh thanks Arthur i guess" she got up as she left,grabbing her power armour before heading to the vertibird that was on standby.

She hopped onto the 'bird as he departed from the Prywden as she took her helmet off and sighed as she sat down.

it was late at night the Commonwealth was quiet too quiet but it reminded her of what life was like before the bombs. before the abuse started.Thinking about the past gets her emotional  but she sniffs and shakes her head,burying the slight guilt she felt when she killed her father.

when the vertibird landed she was greeted by dogmeat as her power armoured feet touched the  ground the 'bird left leaving the two.

"hi boy did u miss me?"Andrea spoke as she walked to the power armour station in the garage and got out of her armour before giving Dogmeat lots of attention.

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