16. The Fall of Arthur Maxson

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Warning this  chapter includes the following: violence and smut but at the end

enjoy uwu

"It's not her fault it's mine" Danse spoke

"I will deal with you in a minute"Maxson coldly spoke

Andrea lets go of Danse's hand walks towards Maxson"Your wrong about him you know?, he's more human than a synth could ever be."

"That's just a faulty in its programming! your just as delusional as the machine your defending!"Maxson shouted just before Andrea punches him in the face

"Now you listen to me Arthur Maxson! He's done nothing but obeyed your orders, he's put down his own fucking kind for the Brotherhood and this is what he gets?"She shouted at him getting up in his face"And you call yourself the Elder?!"

"How dare you insult me!"Maxson shouted

Andrea had a knife in her hands"Danse is going to stay alive and you're not the boss of anyone  anymore.You sick son of bitch"She pushes the knife into Maxson's heart.

"What...are...you...doing?!" He shouted as he gasps in anger

"Something I should've done a long time ago...... I'm the Elder now" She spoke as a smile appears on her face as she twists the knife into him more"Goodbye Arthur Maxson"She pulls the knife out as Maxson drops to the ground  before dropping the knife and turning to Danse to see his  shocked expression

"I can't believe you just killed him?!"

"I've been wanting to do that for a long time" Andrea chuckled as she wiped the blood off her hand with the side of her jumpsuit"He deserved it."He looks at her completely shocked  as he approaches her

"This could've been ended in a civilised manner but instead you stab him." He looked at her in utter disappointment" Do you have any idea what this means now?!"

"Yes I do,Danse. his reign  has ended but the reign of Anderson has just started. We shall hold a meeting with Ingram, Quinlan and Haylen and tell them there's a new Elder in the Commonwealth."She smirked"And that Elder is me."

When Maxson arrived here he left the vertibird on standby for the purpose to drag Andrea back to the Prywden after Danse was slain and the 'bird is their way out of here and back to the Prywden.  Danse grabbed Andrea's hand as they ran to the vertibird as it took off and headed to the airship.

- - -

"Now your probably wondering why i gathered you all today?" Andrea addressed the three people that stood in front of her  with her head held high, arms behind her back just how Arthur would stand and address them"Danse may be a synth but he's done nothing to become our enemy. He's done everything he was told. Yes, he ran from the truth and headed to the bunker but He's more human than he is synth, Now Haylen thank you for  convincing me  keep Danse alive, Yeah i probably would've kept him alive either way but you pushed it further and i thank you for that and Procter Quinlan. discard of any information of the resemblance that Danse has to being a synth. the rest of the brotherhood cannot be made aware of this situation and Ingram...Keep doing what you doing..."

All of them nodded before saluting and shouting "Ad Victorium!" and leaving.

Andrea turned to face the window looking out at the commonwealth"Soon the institute will be nothing but crater of rubble"
Danse comes up behind her and wraps his arms around her waist,resting his head on her shoulder before kissing the side of her head"I love you Andrea Anderson"

She smiled to herself softly as she turns to face him,wrapping her arms around his neck as she turns"i love you too Danse"

She softly connects her lips with his as their mouths move in sync with one another. The innocent kissing turns into a desperate attempt of seduction as their both tugging at each other's jumpsuits just trying to explore one another's body, they move as one to Danse's Quarters not breaking the heated kiss,once inside the door is slammed shut and locked as Andrea's body is soon pushed against it, wet kisses trail from her lips down her neck as Danse kisses her smooth,sensitive skin.
Andrea lets out soft yet needy moans as she tangles her fingers in his hair whilst her head tilts back with a overwhelming sensation she is receiving ,Danse starts to unzip her jumpsuit kissing every square inch of her chest as he longs for the sensation too.
Andrea chuckles as she pulls her arms out her jumpsuit as he smiles up at her as he pulls her jumpsuit down and off her feet until she's in her underwear as he admires her body"god your beautiful" she blushes as he picks her up carrying her to the bed  just to hoover over her again to reconnect the kiss as it's her turn to unzip his jumpsuit and admire his body whilst her lips are still connected to his. Their bare bodies connected as one before  the heated kiss slowly stopped as Danse begins to kiss down her chest fondling her breasts as he kisses around her inner thighs before inserting himself going slow and intimate at first before he ceases the opportunity to dominate in the in the bedroom(wink wonk) before going to town.
The night grew upon them as they laid bare as they sweated like a snow cone in Phoenix (if you get my reference)
Andrea smiles to herself as she tracés Danse's toned,chiseled chest.
"You seem happy"Danse spoke as he laid with one hand under his head and an arm around Andrea's bare back as he smiles down at her

"I am Danse,I'm at peace" she wriggles closer to him as she kisses his chin.

he smiles kissing her forehead softly"I owe you. if it wasn't for you Maxson probably would've killed me"

She smiles softly as they both soon drift of to a peacefully nights rest.

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