Chapter 25

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Twenty-four hours had passed since Daryl came out of surgery. He was still unconscious, but they had him in a medically induced coma to help his body heal. That he had made it through that crucial first day had me both ecstatic and exhausted.

Sitting with him for fifteen minutes out of every hour did not leave any time for me to sleep. Only once did Sugar not wake me up and take the whole visiting time slot. I wanted to be mad at him, but I couldn't. Daryl was his brother, and Sugar was very generous with my visiting time anyway, but I still missed seeing him. Selfish? You bet your ass I am, but I'm not going to say anything to Sugar. That would be inconsiderate and stupid of me. Not to mention, he told me that I needed to get some sleep, which I, of course, did, but that didn't mean I wanted my resting to come before Daryl. He was my priority.

The timer went off on my phone, so I glanced over at Sugar. He's was out cold in a chair with his head was back and his mouth slightly open. Soft snores were coming from him. Damn, that looked uncomfortable, but there isn't any place for us both to stretch out except this small sofa, which he insisted I take. For a guy that scared me to death once, he's turning out to be pretty decent.

A sober Sugar is a whole lot better than a drunk one.

Anyway, it's time to visit Daryl, so I quietly leave a sleeping Sugar in the waiting room that has become RDMC property and head out toward the ICU. When I see who's guarding the door, I can't help but smile. It's Brick. He's completely caught off guard as I throw my arms around his neck.

"Thank you, Brick! You are my hero," I said as I kissed his cheek.

He looked around the hall in a panic, causing me to laugh. "You won't get in trouble, Brick. I promise you. You're everyone's hero from how you took out that other club. You saved Daryl and the others. Not to mention you saved me all those months ago in South Sutton. Thank you so very much."

I gave him a big smile and a squeeze on his muscular arm. I left him speechless as I headed toward the ICU doors. As I waited for them to open and let me through, I heard Sugar say, "Prospect, stop looking at her fine ass and guard that door."

The doors swung open to admit me as Brick stood determined next to them. The guys were starting to get to know who belonged there and who didn't. Anyone new went in, had the guard following them. They would check at the nursing station to make sure that they belonged in ICU. It was unusual, to say the least, but necessary, at least from the club's perspective. And the nursing staff let them get away with it.

I walked into Daryl's room and saw a new nurse was taking his vitals. "HI, I'm Sophie, Daryl's wife." Damn, those words were flowing smoothly off my tongue. "How is he doing?"

The blonde nurse smiled at me. "I'm Amanda. His BP is a little low, but that's to be expected with the blood loss he had. Heart rate seems good, and I am going to check his temperature next."

I watched her swipe a small device over his forehead then look at it. I didn't like the frown on her face. I saw her reset something on the device and do it again. 'What's wrong?"

"His temperature had gone up slightly since they last took it four hours ago. It's at 99.8. We're keeping an eye out for any infection, so this could be a sign. I'm going get in touch with the doctor on call right away," she told me, as she recorded her findings in the computer before she quickly left the room.

I knew they already had him on antibiotics, but maybe they needed to change that. I stood next to him, watching his chest slowly rise and fall as he breathed. They had replaced the oxygen mask that he has on over the night with only a nasal cannula. That was progress, it was small, but I'd take every little bit I could.

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