Chapter 32

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Not a word.

Not a single, solitary god damn word from Sophie in over three days. Three long fucking days!

I have no idea where she is or how to find her. It's like she's vanished from Angel Valley without a trace. I've driven past any place I could think she could be and have come up with nothing. I've even spent hours driving through every motel parking lot within twenty-five miles looking for her car.

Someone must have given her some money as I know she didn't have much cash on her. Even though her damn cousin denies it, it had to be Chrissy.

So I'm stuck until she contacts me. Sophie will have to, as I know she won't abandon all of the shit she has here. She has no reason to. It wasn't like I'm an abusive asshole, I'm just a dumb fuck.

I just finished showering so I can drive my slow ass over to the garage and see how it's doing. I haven't been there since I got shot. Except, my head keeps going back to Sophie. It's spinning and cloudy as fuck thanks to the bottle of Jack I see on the floor.

I decided to give myself a few more minutes and lie back down on the bed. Hopefully, the aspirin I took before the shower will kick in soon. That should help with the pounding, but not the problem.

The problem that I can't seem to find Sophie anywhere.

Her two main places were either Chrissy's, and she ain't there, or the bakery. The day she left, I went to the bakeshop, but it was closed up tight with not a sign of her car.

The only other hope I had was Maddie. I had to wait until the next day to talk to her since I didn't know where she lived. Sure, I could have used Code to track her down, but I wasn't ready to let the club in on my mess yet.

I rolled into the bakery before it even opened. The back door was unlocked, so I walked on in. The two Hispanic guys that help Maddie bake looked up from their work for a second then ignored me. They knew me by sight from Sophie, so they realized I wasn't a threat. My Spanish was non-existent, so talking to them was not going to happen.

Maddie had her back to me as she added ingredients into this huge mixer. One of the guys said something in Spanish, and Maddie turned around. I saw a flicker of surprise in her eyes that she quickly hid.

"Trax, what are you doing here?"

My hip leaned up against the big worktable she had in the room. She was my best hope, so I couldn't afford to piss her off even though I was exhausted and frustrated. "Do you know where Sophie is?"

"No," she said before turning back to the mixer. That was quick.

"Is she working today?"

This time she turned back to me and crossed her arms over her chest. "No. She told me she needed some time off, but you know what Trax, I'm trying to run a business here. I've given her plenty of time off, but I need someone to work the front of the store. What's good in having a bakery if I can't sell what I'm baking? I like Sophie, I really do, but this is my livelihood, and if she can't work, I'll get someone else that can."

"You ain't seen her?" I snapped.

"It's not my problem that you can't keep track of her. She's not here, and I have no fucking clue on when or if she's coming back. Now, will you get out of here so I can try to get enough shit baked for the morning rush since I have to work the front until I can get someone in to help me."

Maddie was typically pretty easy going so her getting all in my face wasn't normal, except I could understand what she was saying. Sophie had more time off lately than she actually worked. I couldn't blame Maddie for getting upset.

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