Chapter 14

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I hate my brother. Tonight, I really fucking hate my brother. I'm not talking any of my club brothers, no I mean Merle or as he prefers to be called Sugar, my blood brother. Without even trying, he singlehandedly fucked up my entire weekend.

My bike is flying down this pitch-black country road as I follow a box truck with seven of my club brothers on its way to Beaumont, Texas. Yes, fucking Texas. One of the jobs that the RDMC does is provide escort when someone needs some extra security. I haven't done this in a long while since I run the garage now, but because of my dickhead brother, I'm doing this run without any time to prep for it.

Which basically means sleep. This is something that gets done during the quiet night hours because with less traffic on the road, there are fewer eyes seeing what's going on. The trip will take longer as we stick to backroads and off the interstates.

Not what I wanted to be doing tonight.

Sophie was supposed to talk to Marci today after work and she did. How did I know? Bear pushed back church today until four o'clock so after I delivered all those damn cakes and whatever Maddie made to the clubhouse, I parked down the street to see if Sophie would actually go.

And she did.

By the time I left to head back to the clubhouse, they were still together so I took that as a really good sign. And yeah, I know this is fucked up of me. I'm not trying to stalk her. Believe me, I'm not. It's also hard to stay inconspicuous when I ride a loud as fuck Harley and my cut advertises who I am.

I have never even come close to doing this for any other woman. I wish I knew what about her is making me this way. Why I can't let go of the thought of her? I never got close to a woman before. Never wanted to. Even before I patched in, I was a one-night stand type of guy. I didn't date. I didn't wake up in anyone's bed but my own...when I had one.

There was something about Sophie that called out to me. That's why I had to find out what it was by getting to know her better. And I couldn't do that if she refused to see me. I was pretty damn persistent and to be honest, that surprised the shit out of me. She was making me do shit that was so out of character for me that I was confused half the time on what was going on in my head.

I wanted her. I also needed to get her in my bed and see if that first time was a fluke or if we really did have something. And I can't believe I'm hoping for the latter.

Me, Daryl Dixon...also known as Trax, wanted a girlfriend for the first time in my damn pitiful life. I finally needed something more than just the club.

The Road Devils have been part of my life way before I took the patch. Merle's a fair share older than me and he joined them first after he got out of the army. I was still a kid when I took off from the piece of crap shack we called home after my old man and I had come to some very dangerous blows. Merle let me sleep on his floor in the room in the clubhouse. The only problem was that every time he screwed a Hellion or some other chick, I was booted out. Lucky for me, Truck, the prez back then, let me sleep on a couch in the main room of clubhouse on those nights.

Truck may have had the club into a lot more shady shit back then, but I can't fault him for what he did for a homeless teenager like me. I was the first non-club guy they let work in the garage back then. In the beginning, I worked for my room and board, but eventually, I did start to get paid. That's when I moved out of the clubhouse into a small shitty apartment of my own.

That's why I owe this club so much. They took me in and even when I turned down the Truck's offer to prospect, they still let me hang around. I saw for years the shit that prospects had to go through and as much as I wanted to be part of the club, that wasn't anything I knew I could do...especially with Merle there. He'd make my life a fucking living hell and laugh about it.

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