Chapter 17

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I've been waiting for days for this to happen. I've wanted to have sex again with Daryl every night since I met him, but especially since I moved into the Road Devil's clubhouse. Well, maybe not that first night, but that was only because I was so emotionally and physically drained from Jacob kidnapping me, but even before everything changed with us, I still wanted him. I just wasn't sure I wanted us and the complications that the club brought, but that didn't mean my body didn't crave his.

Every single day since I moved into his room at the club, I've imagined his hands all over me, his mouth kissing me in places that would make me scream, and mostly I needed him inside of me again.

We sleep together every night in his full-size bed. Even though it is large enough for two people, we're tightly together in it. We go to bed with him spooning me from behind, and wake up with my head on his broad shoulder, and my hand splayed on his hard chest.

But he hasn't touched me intimately since that very first day.


Even though I wasn't shy with him in the car that afternoon, I am usually much more reserved when it comes to sex. I didn't know how to tell him I wanted him. I figured he was trying to be gentle with me after what happened with Jacob, but I never saw the two of them in the same light. He didn't need to be.

Jacob was a psychopath who had it in his head that I was going to be his wife. Thank God, he never sexually assaulted me, or my head would be in a completely different place right now. His seeing me as 'pure' sure helped that not happen.

Daryl makes me feel safe. A sense of security washed over me whenever he was near, giving me a sense of peace I hadn't felt in years. I knew Daryl was different. I don't know why I tried to deny it, but he was. I finally was able to see past the biker, straight to the man. Like a magnet, I felt a pull to him that I couldn't comprehend. I fought that pull for a long time, but I've given up fighting with my head, and I'm going with my heart.

I've been locking myself in this room for days. I'm not comfortable in the clubhouse without him. There are too many guys that look at me as if I could be their next snack, not to mention the evil looks the women give me.

I realize now that's because no one knew what my status in the club was. I learn more about this MC lifestyle every day. Once Daryl claims me as his ol' lady, they will treat me like they do Marci and Chrissy and a few of the other women. But did I want that? I know we need time to get to know each other, but I'm not sure I'm ready for the ol' lady part yet even though I told him I was.

But right now, it all about just me and Daryl. I am ready to get down to the physically claiming me part and the-thanking-Daryl-for-saving-my-life part, too. Oh God, I am so ready.

No one has ever made me feel as wanted as this man has. Not my ex-boyfriend Sean or any of the other losers I dated. Daryl makes me feel beautiful, sexy and even daring.

He makes me want to do things that I never did before. The crazy thing is I've only been with him that one afternoon. It's been months since that day, and I still want him as bad now as I did when I was naked in the backseat of my car. What we did that day, I never would have done with anyone else but him.

Only him.

I barely knew him, but I knew I wanted him. Maybe the soaking wet panties that happened the second I saw him helped me decide, but we have this thing together that I can't deny any longer.

Hell, I stopped denying it several days ago, but that that damn kidnapping got in my way.

Now it's just him and me.

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