Chapter 19- The Ancient Tree

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Third Person POV~

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Third Person POV~

Aleksian is standing on a rooftop above a club when her phone rings. "Yes Niklaus?" she asks after looking at the caller ID. "What are you doing sister?" he asks. "Finding a bit of leverage to get Finn home and on our side... I'm just waiting till I see it... And there it is. Got to go, be home in a jiff. Love you." with that, the tribrid hangs up as she watches a particular redhead walk inside.

When the Original enters, she watches as Sage starts dancing with people. Aleksian, with much distaste, walks up to her from behind and starts to dance, Sage, not knowing it's the Original that loathes her, dances along, and doesn't complain as the tribrids hands slowly move up her body. However, she has no time to react when Aleksian quickly moves her hands from Sage's breast and snaps her neck, catching her quickly and speeding from the club to her car.


"Oh, good. You're awake." Aleksian says as she keeps her focus on the road. "Khione? What the hell? How did you mind me?" Sage asks in a bitter tone. "Quite simple really, I rummaged through Finn's thing we still have and found something of yours, a simple locator spell did the trick, along with some dirty dancing that I'd rather never speak of again, and a snapped neck and here we are! Finn's awake and he left. I need you back at Mystic Falls to draw him back. Oh look, here we are." Aleksian pauses as she pulls over next to the Mystic Falls sign.

"Goodbye." she says quickly and uses her magic to open the passenger door and toss Sage out before driving away again.


Rebekah and her sister were being the good new rich family by being at the celebration for Wickery Bridge being rebuilt, all while talking to the elite and asking questions to try and find out where the white oak tree is. Aleksian continues to speak to the mayor as Rebekah spots Sage and Damon and decides to but in.

"Look what the cat dragged in." she says as she walks up to the two. "Easy there Rebekah. You know she used to beat men for sport." Damon says as he looms at the blonde Original. "She always was quite common." Rebekah says in a bitter tone. "Rebekah. What a happy surprise." "What are you doing here Sage?" Rebekah asks, skipping pleasantries. "Well I heard Finn was finally freed from that casket your rageaholic brother Klaus carted him around in." the redhead answers.

"Ooh Finn, you just missed him. He left town and didn't tell a soul where he was going." Rebekah says with a smirk almost gracing her face. "He probably went looking for me." Sage says with a smirk of her own, and Rebekah chuckles, "Or, quite possibly, he forgot all about you." "I doubt that." Sage says more to herself than to her lover's youngest sibling. "No? 'cause he didn't seem to mention you. Sorry, you came all this way for nothing. Have a nice life."

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