Chapter 20- Shakespeare and Tragedies

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Third Person POV~

"So, let me get this straight... You want to take Rebekah, and go to the Salvatore house to provide, incentive to find the stakes... Kol is currently tracking down Mary Porter because everyone is trying to find out what sire line they come from... And I have absolutely nothing to do?" Aleksian asks from her seat in the living room. "That's exactly what I'm saying." Klaus tells his twin who all but pouts.

"Don't you have companies to run or something to keep you busy, dear sister?" Klaus asks, trying not to laugh at her reaction. "No. I did all my work for the next two weeks because I thought we'd be busy." she answers whilst typing away on her phone. "No matter. I've texted Kol. And he said he would love for me to join him. Apparently, Kentucky is boring. Hence why I've never been there." with that, the tribrid speeds away to the airport, going straight to the first-class area.


"You were right when you said Kentucky is boring. And you killed Mary almost right away. She was fun back then." Aleksian tells her little brother as she reads a random book she found in the room they were in.

"Well, she wasn't being fun. I saw no reason to keep her around. What book are you reading?" Kol says as he glances over at the book his sister was reading. "One of your favorites." she answers and shows him the front. "Ah, Hamlet. Always loved that one the most out of all his works. Though you preferred Romeo and Juliet." Kol claims as he finds Romeo and Juliet and starts reading it as well.

"That book is hilarious. Who falls in love in a five-minute dance, gets married the next day, and then banished, and then kills themselves on the fourth day? They didn't even have a week-long relationship and then killed themselves to be together in the afterlife." Aleksian exclaims whilst waving a hand in the air about how dramatic the book was. "Yes, and the reenactment of the play we made those commoners do in France was just delightful," Kol says with a laugh making his sister laugh as well.

"You take the credit it was your idea." Aleksian tells her brother with a chuckle and Kol rolls his eyes and retorts, "Liar. That was all you. I did Hamlet in New Orleans. You did Romeo and Juliet in Paris. You were quite the nasty little thing when we were there. That's why I liked hanging out with you the most." all Aleksian does is smirk back at her brother.


"How long does it take to get from Denver to Kentucky, I mean honestly, we've been here for hours, I'm getting bored." Aleksian complains as she swings a sword around. "Sister, where on earth did you get that?" Kol asks from his seat, and Aleksian shrugs. "There's a bunch of swords and knives over there." she answers and points to a room connecting to the one the two Originals are currently in.

Before Kol could respond, they heard the front door open, so Aleksian quickly blows out the candle the duo had lit.

"Woah. It's like vampire hoarders." Damon says and Elena turns on her phone flashlight. "So who is this person?" she asks as they look around. "Scary Mary. Really old. Super creepy." Damon answers and Aleksian slightly nods her head on the comment. "And how do you know her?" Elena asks and Damon makes a cocky remark. "You know... What? I said creepy. Not ugly." at this, both Originals glance at one another and shrug whilst nodding.

After getting impatient, Kol threw something hard at the floor, grabbing the attention of Damon and Elena. When they walk into the room, they don't notice the Originals, but they do notice Mary up on the wall. "Mary..." Damon says as they look at her. Kol takes this as his cue to turn on the lamp and speak. "Quite contrary." he says, making them jump.

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