Step 1: Realizing Your Emotions

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Ranpo had a sneaking suspicion that he was sick. 

He was feeling short of breath, his chest hurt, his face was flushing, hands where sweaty, and he even noticed that his mind was feeling even more floaty then usual. 

And worst of all, it always happened when Poe visited. 

Now, Ranpo had no hard feelings towards Poe. 

Sure he did try to kill him, keyword in that sentence is tried, but after that fiasco, the two formed a very unusual healthy bond. 

Poe would provide new novels that would keep Ranpo at least a little bit puzzled, and in return, Ranpo would grace Poe with his presence. 

A very good trade-off if Ranpo had to say so himself. 

Now, it seemed like it wouldn't satisfy him at all. 

And the worst part was that he didn't even know what would satisfy him now.

"A-are you okay Ranpo?", Poe's meek question pulled Ranpo out of his spiraling thoughts. He turned his attention back to the author, who was now having an almost deadly grip on his new novel. 

One that he wrote for Ranpo.

Just for him.

"Yes, I'm fine! Now, what did you write for me today Poe?", Ranpo said with a large smirk set on his face. 

Ranpo hoped that obnoxious smile would distract the other from his now pink cheeks. 

Luckily it did because Poe simply held out the new transcript to Ranpo. 

Ranpo's greedy hands yanked the poor sheets from Poe's hands, which made the author flinch.

Ranpo didn't even seem to notice though since he was now eating up the words. 

Poe nervously sat there fidgeting every so often.  

After exactly two minutes, since Poe was counting, Ranpo set down the book with a triumphant smile. 

"It was the baker!", he exclaimed. 

Poe's shoulders dropped visibly as he nodded slowly. 

"Yes... it was indeed the baker".

Ranpo looked over to his companion and frowned when he noticed how sad he looked. Even Karl, who was snuggling on his friend's shoulder, looked at Poe with what seemed to be a frown. 

Ranpo felt his chest start to ache and his hands grow sweaty. 

See! There were those stupid symptoms again. 

"Hey Poe, you have gotten better though! This took me two minutes to solve. It usually takes me at least a minute to solve. Soon it will take me a whole three minutes to solve!", Ranpo exclaimed with a soft smile. 

It didn't seem to cheer the other man up since he was still slouching. 

Ranpo felt his chest hurt more. He hated this stupid feeling. 

He had to get rid of it, and quickly. 

Ranpo then cleared his throat and said, "I am very proud of you Poe".

When the words left his mouth Ranpo wished he could drag them back in. 

His hands felt sweaty, his chest was filled with rocks, his face was burning so hot that it felt as if it would melt off, and worst of all his brilliant mind was floating farther and farther away. 

But then it all stopped. 

Poe's hung down head shot up. Karl let out a surprised noise at the sudden movement and crawled off his shoulders. 

And Ranpo watched as the biggest smile ever fell onto Poe's face. 

Ranpo had never seen the other smile so much. 

Whenever he did it was small. So small that even Ranpo suspected that Fukuzawa could have a bigger smile then him. 

And that man never showed teeth. 

Yet here Poe was, dimples showing and a smile showed proudly on his face. 

Ranpo felt starstruck at the sight. 

"T-thank you Ranpo".

And with that simple sentence, Ranpo suddenly realized what his illness was. 


Step 1: Completed!

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