Step 14: Confess

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Kyouka had always had a liking towards Poe. Ever since he let her pet his raccoon there has always been a wave of acceptance between them.

So when Kyouka saw how Ranpo was suffering she was positive that Poe was feeling the same way.

And if that didn't make her annoyed she didn't know what would.

That is how it ended with her strutting up to Ranpo.

A demand already waiting on her tongue.


"Call him".

"He's probably asleep".

"He will pick up if it's you".

"How do you know?".

"Because he loves you, you complete moron", Kyouka hissed out.

Ranpo stared at her. Never in his life did someone call him a moron.

"I'm not a moron", he snapped.

Kyouka glared at him.

"And yet you are sitting here when he is probably wondering if he did something wrong".

"Why would he think that?", Ranpo asked.

Kyouka rolled her eyes and Atsushi's eyebrows rose in surprise. That was the most sassiness he had ever seen appear on her face.

"Imagine if someone came to you every day, then suddenly stopped. No text or call explaining why. Poe is sensitive. How do you think he feels?".

Ranpo stared at her, then whispered, "Terrible".

"What was that?".

Ranpo suddenly shot up from his desk, making everyone flinch in surprise.

"He feels terrible!", Ranpo shouted.

And before anyone could stop him he ran out of the office.

Hopefully in the right direction.


Ranpo felt his lungs jump into his throat as he ran all the way to Poe's house.

"That adorable mess better be there", Ranpo was able to pant out.

When he finally reached Poe's house he banged his fist hard into the door.

And when it finally opened he tackled the other man to the floor.

"R-Ranpo! W-what a-are you-", "You didn't do anything wrong at the diner! It was me. I got scared to tell you what I wanted to say", Ranpo barked out.

Poe just stared up at him, one eye wide open.

Then he meekly whispered, "S-so w-we a-are still f-friends?".

"You idiot I want to be more than friends", Ranpo roared.

Poe's mouth fell wide open.


"Oh my fucking god do I have to spell it out for you? I love you! I want to kiss you, and cuddle, hold your hand, maybe do some things that children shouldn't see", Ranpo rambled out with a blush clear on his face.

Poe was already as red as a cherry.

"You are as dense as a rock if you didn't notice Poe! I mean how can you not notice? Do you really think I bought flowers for Karl's birthday? I bought them for you!", Ranpo hollered.

Poe felt as if his breath was leaving him.

"I want to love you because you deserve it! I want to hold you in my arms! And all those times I dragged you to places, those were fucking dates to win over your adorable heart".

Ranpo then let out another frustrated yell before he catapulted himself onto Poe's couch.

Poe stayed on the ground eyes still wide, cheeks still flushed, and chest barely rising.

Ranpo looked back at the man and suddenly felt worry rise in his chest.

He carefully walked back to the man who was staring at the ceiling.

"Um... Poe are you okay?", Ranpo asked.

Instead of a verbal answer, Poe grabbed Ranpo's shirt and yanked him down towards him.

Before Ranpo knew what was happening Poe's lips were on his.

They were so much softer than he could imagine.

And when Poe shyly pulled away Ranpo dragged him back.

Ranpo then pushed him back, and Poe let out a surprised whimper when his back hit the floor. He let out a surprised gasp when he felt something lick his lips. He carefully opened his mouth and jolted when Ranpo's tongue entered his mouth.

This was... this was way too much.

Ranpo finally pulled away.

Poe felt as if his head was spinning.

He couldn't hear anything, all he felt was floaty. Like it was only him and Ranpo.

It wasn't a terrible feeling. Just... just a different feeling.

Poe flinched when he felt someone run there fingers through his hair.

"Poe? Are you there? Did I rush you?".

Ranpo. It was Ranpo.

Poe gently took hold of Ranpo's hand and guided it to his cheek. A faint blush appearing in the area once again.

"Ranpo", Poe whispered out.

Ranpo gently caressed Poe's face, an awestruck expression on the detectives face.

He kissed Poe. And it made Poe go like this?

Ranpo couldn't believe it.

"Ranpo", Poe repeated once more.

"Yeah? What do you need to say?".

"I love you", Poe finally managed to slur out.

Ranpo's eyes shot open. Both his jade green eyes staring at Poe.

He then suddenly grabbed the other male by the shoulders and pulled him into a hug.

"I love you too", Ranpo whispered in Poe's ear.

Poe just hummed and dug his head into Ranpo's neck.

Ranpo let out a chuckle.

He could stay like this forever if he was completely honest.

Poe could too.

Step 14: Completed!

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