Step 4: Figure Out What He Likes And Dislikes

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When Poe was called into the agency the next day, he was fairly surprised. 

Usually, Ranpo would at least give him time to write a new story for him. 

But now it was on such short notice that Poe hoped Ranpo wouldn't mind this story he was bringing for him. 

Poe just hoped it was enough. 

Karl snuggled into his neck, probably assuring him that it was. 


Ranpo couldn't help the glare that formed on his face when Dazai gave him a knowing smile. 

Curse him and his stupid face!

"Remember to figure out what he likes this time Ranpo. Don't just talk about what you like. You know, like you always do", Yosano whispered from his side. 

Ranpo just nodded, to busy glared at the lanky man across from him. 

Dazai just smiled wider. 

For some reason, that smile ended up with Ranpo chucking one of his beloved treats at Dazai's face.


Poe felt his arm freeze as he reached for the doorknob that led into the agency's office. 

Even though he had come over so many times before, the idea of entering once more made his whole body freeze. 

Karl let out a small growl.

"I know.. I'm sorry", Poe muttered out with a sheepish smile. 

He took a deep breath and with a final rush of bravery, he pushed open the door. 


"Poe, what's your favorite color?".

"What's your favorite treat?".

"How is Karl doing?".

"What's your favorite movie?".

"What's-", "I'm sorry Ranpo b-but I t-thought you wan-wanted to see a n-new novel today", Poe whimpered out. 

His head was spinning from all of these questions and he certainly did not enjoy all this attention directed at him. 

"Ah, sorry Poe", Ranpo said when he realized how uncomfortable Poe looked. 

His whole body was stiff, Karl looked like he was being suffocated by Poe's grip on him, and Poe's chest was rising so slowly that Ranpo was worried he wasn't breathing correctly. 

"I-it's o-okay".

"Now, show me your novel Poe".

Poe felt a smile grace his lips as he pulled the papers from his side. 

This was something he enjoyed. 


After a long day of slipping little questions into there conversations, Ranpo figured out exactly what Poe liked. 

Poe liked nature, especially animals. He loved to write. Poe loved the quiet, but that was an obvious aspect of his character. Ranpo also noticed his aversion to sweets. He later realized he had a strange taste for bitterness, which Ranpo found unimaginable. But then he realized he didn't mind all that much. Ranpo could eat sweets for both of them. 

Ranpo was even able to figure out what Poe hated. 

Poe hated loud noises. He also hated the color pink. Why? Even the amazing Ranpo couldn't understand why. That's what made Poe so interesting. Poe also had a strange fear of drinking alcohol, but that was something that Ranpo knew not to question too much. At least not now anyway. 

But there was one thing that Poe hated that made him want to throw all his sweets out. 

Poe hated his eyes. 

Ranpo found it so infuriating when Poe let it slip out of his mouth. 

And he said it like it was no big deal. 

But it was a big deal!

How could Poe not like his own eyes?

Ranpo found them rather stunning. 

Ranpo found everything about Poe stunning. No matter how cheesy it sounded. 


When Poe finally left the office Yosano came running over. 

"So do you now have a plan?", she questioned. 

Ranpo smiled and replied with a simple, "I do".

Dazai started clapping his hands from across the room. 

"Shut up Dazai!", both Ranpo and Yosano said at the same time. 

"I didn't even say anything!", Dazai whined with a childish frown on his face.

Kunikida just rolled his eyes. 

Step 4: Completed!

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