Step 10: Go To the Movies

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"Why don't you go see a movie together. That's like a date thing", Yosano said one day at the agency.

Ranpo looked up at her.

"Do you really think that Poe would want to go see a movie?", Ranpo asked. Yosano rolled her eyes.

"I'm positive. Don't you trust me?", she teased.

"Of course I trust you!".

"Good, now go do it".


"D-do I r-really ha-have to leave Karl?", Poe asked. Ranpo sighed.

"Yes, movie theaters don't allow pets. Especially raccoons".

Karl hissed at that statement. Poe frowned.

"B-but w-what if I-", "I'll be right there Poe", Ranpo cut in.

Poe looked at him through his unruly bangs.

"Okay, okay lets g-go Ranpo".


"More butter", Poe demanded. Ranpo looked over at him with a raised eyebrow.


"Yes more butter", Poe repeated. Ranpo just shrugged and poured more butter onto there popcorn.

"Here", he said as he held out the treat.

"Thank you Ranpo", Poe said with a smile.

Damn, Ranpo would have never thought he would treasure someone's smile.

He especially didn't think he would ever treasure Poe's smile.

"C-come o-on Ranpo! T-the movie h-has probably s-started a-already", Poe stuttered out.

"See this is why we don't put so much butter on our popcorn Poe because then we are late to the movie", Ranpo teased.

Poe snapped back with, "It taste better this way!".

Ranpo opened his mouth to respond but closed it quickly. He couldn't say that, especially not when kids are around.

Instead, he said, "Well candy taste much better than butter".

"Of course you would think that Ranpo".


Ranpo should have thought about this more thoroughly

Especially when Poe's sleeping schedule is terrible.

Now here he was with Poe once again sleeping on his shoulder.

The movie wasn't even interesting to Ranpo anymore.

Poe's long hair was all over his shoulder. It tickled his neck.

And his breathing was so slow and sweet that it made Ranpo's muscles not want to move. He didn't want to ruin Poe's peaceful slumber.

But the worst thing was how Poe's hand was so close to his. Ranpo just wanted to hold it once more.

Then he realized, what's stopping him?

Soon Poe's hand was being held once more.

Ranpo felt his cheeks turn red when he realized how warm the other's hands where.

He carefully ran his thumb over Poe's knuckles. The small grooves that made countless worlds. Some specially made just for him.

Ranpo felt his heart burst when he realized how many countless hours Poe must stay up just to make him the perfect story.

One that would prove himself to be the only one to trump Ranpo.

To defeat his deduction.

That just made Ranpo massage Poe's hands just a little bit more.

They must hurt.


Poe awoke to himself being lightly shaken.

"Poe", someone called.

Poe just snuggle more into his bed? No, he was sitting in a comfortable chair. So very comfortable. Poe felt his eyes closing once again.

"Poe you have to wake up", the voice said.

"Do I have to?", Poe's words where slurred.

He heard a chuckle.

"Yes, you have to get up now".

Poe let out a small groan.

"I don't want to", he whined.

There was silence. Ranpo couldn't say anything. This whole scene was just so... so adorable.

"Well you should since Karl is waiting at home for you", he finally responded.

When Karl was mentioned Poe shot up. He shot up slowly, but he did indeed wake up.

He looked around and then he looked up at Ranpo. Ranpo smiled down at him.

"Nice of you to wake up Poe", Ranpo teased.

Poe blushed and looked back down, his bangs now covering his once uncovered eye.

"T-thanks for waking me".

"Anytime. Now let's get you home".


"So, how did it go?", Yosano asked the next day at work. Ranpo smiled.

"He's adorable", Ranpo admitted. Yosano smiled.

"Does he know now though?". Ranpo frowned.

"No... he doesn't".

"He fell asleep didn't he?", Yosano asked. And when Ranpo didn't respond she knew he did.

"Well, that's a good thing!".

"How?", Ranpo asked.

"You're such an idiot. That just proves that he knows you'll still be with him when he wakes up. He feels safe with you. And if that isn't a step in the right direction then I don't know what is!".

Ranpo just stared at her, then whispered, "You're right".

Step 10: Completed!

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