Step 7: Say Goodnight To Him

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Poe was physically and mentally exhausted when he and Ranpo finally stumbled onto the train.

Karl seemed to feel the same way as he snoozed on his lap.

Ranpo, on the other hand, was bubbling with energy.

So much that Poe was surprised by it.

But what didn't surprise him was when he felt his eyes starting to shut closed.

Poe must have been more tired then he expected.

"Poe... you can sleep you know", Ranpo's voice said.

But it sounded so far away.

"Are you sure?".

Ranpo just nodded.

Poe smiled at him, and before either of them could say anything else Poe's head was resting on Ranpo's shoulder.

And Ranpo didn't move a muscle until there stop arrived.


"T-thanks for walking me home Ranpo".

"It was really no problem Poe!", Ranpo said and quickly added, "But can I hold your hand once more, it's getting dark and I can't really see anything".

"Oh yeah sure", Poe said as he raised his hand towards the small detective.

Ranpo had to hold in his smirk but did accept the offer.

He gratefully wrapped his hand around the authors, and not so sneakily, squeezed it.

He felt Poe flinch in surprise.

"Sorry, just want to make sure you aren't going to leave me behind".

Poe let out a laugh.

As if he could.


When they finally reached Poe's doorstep Ranpo wanted to kiss him goodbye.

He truly wanted to. Just to know what the other's lips would feel like. That was the one thing that Ranpo could not solve with his ability.

And for the first time, he loved that he couldn't.

Poe finally let go of his hand, much to Ranpo's dismay, and quickly unlocked his door.

"Thank you for today Ranpo, and for the books. It was fun hanging out with you", Poe said with a lazy smile.

Ranpo returned the smile and said, "It was fun. Goodnight Poe".


With that, the door finally closed.

And when that door closed the words finally sunk in.


Yosano was pouring herself a nice cup of wine when she heard her phone ringing.

She let out a long sigh as she snatched it up from her couch and raised it to her ear.


"Yeah hi, it's Ranpo. Poe thought it was fucking hanging out. Hanging out! I wanted to hold his hand and I bought him a shit ton of books. Can he not see I love him? How the fuck is he so smart and dumb at the same time? He's like a rock. A dense rock. He is as dense as a rock. A beautiful, adorable, cute rock but still a fucking rock".

Yosano blinked.

"Also can you pick me up? I tried to walk home and I got lost. I'm in front of a coffee shop called Ivy Nina".

Yosano blinked again.

"Yosano? Are you there?".

"Oh, shit yeah sorry. Just stay right there Ranpo I'm on my way".


Step 7: Completed!

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