Step 2: Ask a Friend For Advice

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Yosano knew the ins and outs of love just like she knew the ins and outs of a human body. 

And yet, when Ranpo came to her she felt like she was pushed off of a cliff. 

"Wait, wait, wait, you are in love with Poe?", Yosano asked for the eleventh time. Ranpo felt like ripping his hair out. 

He pushed himself up from Yosano's couch and nodded. 

Yosano's mouth dropped open. 

"No way... no fucking way!", Yosano exclaimed and started cackling. Ranpo felt his cheeks turn a rosy pink. 

"S-shut up this is serious", he muttered out with a tight frown. 

Yosano took one look at his face before cackling louder. 

Soon she started wheezing.

"Oh my god, this is fucking beautiful! Holy shit", she wheezed out with tears in her eyes. 

"Stop it! What do I do?", Ranpo crunched out from his clenched teeth. 

Yosano let out one last laugh before pulling herself together. 

"Sorry, sorry, it's just this is the first time you've ever been in love with... well with anyone", Yosano said. 

"That's why I asked for your help!".

"Well, then you don't have to worry Ranpo!", Yosano said with a smile, "I will guide you every step of the way".

Ranpo felt a chill crawl up his spine. 

What a malicious smile...


Poe didn't have many friends. He never truly did. 

But he did have Karl.

"He said he was proud Karl... proud!", Poe gushed to his raccoon friend. 

Karl let out a small huff from Poe's arms and stared up at his friend. 

"And it took two minutes for him to solve! I'm getting better!", Poe said happily.

 Karl seemed to agree with him since he snuggled deeper into Poe's arms.

"I'm getting better... right?", Poe suddenly questioned, his smile now wiped away with a worried frown. 

"... What if he was lying?".

Suddenly all the happiness that was there before was going down the drain.

Poe let out a surprised yelp when he felt a small pinch at his skin. 

His eyes floated down to Karl, whose mouth was now wrapped around Poe's arm. 

Teeth gripping the pale skin. 

Poe let out a laugh. 

"He wasn't lying was he Karl? If he was you would've bitten him as well". 

Karl let out a small yawn as if he was saying yes. 

Poe smiled. 

"Thank you, Karl".

Karl simply responded with closing his eyes. 

Step 2: Completed!

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