Step 5: Call Him

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Today was a very intense day for the agency. 

And it wasn't because the city was under siege. 

No, it was because today Ranpo was going to call Poe. 

"Ranpo, now remember what we talked about", Yosano said. Ranpo nodded. 

"Start off by saying hi, then ask how his day was, after that slip in some aspects of my day, then ask him on a date very smoothly", Ranpo stated with a smile. 

"Perfect! Now call him".

Ranpo's smile on his face was pulled down slightly. Yosano let out a sigh. 

"I can call him for you", she offered. 

"No! I'm going to be the one to ask him on a date so I should be the one to call him", Ranpo huffed out.

"Then do it Ranpo!".

"Shut up Dazai".

Dazai just frowned in response. 

Ranpo turned back to his phone. He took a deep breath and clicked on Poe's contact. 


Poe slowly peeled his eyes open when he heard a growl. 

"What is it Karl?", he asked as he gently pulled his stiff figure upwards into a sitting position. 

Karl just let out another growl before showing Poe whatever he was holding. 

Poe tried to focus on what he was holding, but with the added accessory of bangs and sleepiness, Poe ultimately was just very confused. 

He let out a sigh and snuggled back under the covers.

 Whatever it was it could wait.


"Call again", Yosano said when Poe didn't pick up. Ranpo looked like he was close to crying. 

"He doesn't want to talk to me...", he whimpered. 

"I'm sure he does Ranpo, just trying again", Atsushi suddenly said from his desk. An awkward smile on his face. 

Ranpo let out a sigh, but he listened to the boy's advice and clicked on the contact number once again. 


Poe woke up once more, this time with Karl lightly slapping his face. 

"Karl... please stop".

Karl responded with slapping him once more. 

Poe let out a small groan. He truly didn't want to get up today at all. But it seems like he has to. 

"Alright, I'm up Karl. So please stop hitting me".

Karl let out a small huff and raised the object up once more. 

Poe slowly forced himself to focus on it, and when he realized what it was he sucked in a sharp breath. 

He quickly snatched the object, which he now realized was his phone, and accepted the call. 

"I-I'm sorry I missed y-your c-call", Poe quickly stammered into the receiver. 

He heard a chuckle on the other side. 

"R-Ranpo is that you?".

"Yep, um hi".

Poe tilted his head when he heard a laugh on the other side.

He heard someone whisper a quick insult before Ranpo asked, "How was your day?".

Poe immediately felt his stomach plummet. Would it be strange if he told Ranpo he just woke up? 

"Um... it's fine", Poe responded back awkwardly. 

"That's good. Well, I was just calling to ask if you would accompany me to get sweets. Since no one in this damn agency wants to take the time to be with the most amazing detective in the world".

Poe felt a smile fall on his lips. Ranpo truly was the most amazing detective. 


"Oh yes! Sure I can come... let me just get dressed. I'll s-see you s-soon".

"Got it. See you soon!".

With that, the call ended and Poe was running out of his bed, eager to get ready. 


Ranpo finally placed his phone back onto his desk. 

"So, what did he say?", Yosano asked with a teasing smile. 

"He said he'll see me soon", Ranpo responded with a smile. 

Dazai was still holding in his laughter. Ranpo and Yosano quickly gave him a cold glare. 

"Yep, um hi", Dazai teased before letting out small giggles. 

Kunikida quickly hit him over the head, saying something along the lines of "At least he can get a date".

That made Yosano and almost everyone else in the agency start laughing. 

Dazai just pouted and escaped to his couch. 

Step 5: Completed!

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