Step 8: Get Him Flowers

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The next day at the office Ranpo didn't even have his usual bounciness.

"Is everything okay Ranpo?", Atsushi asked.

"No, everything is not okay Atsushi".

Atsushi titled his head and turned to Yosano.

"He's just angry that Poe didn't know last night was a date. He just thought they were hanging out", Yosano said with a snort.

"It's not funny Yosano, it's terrible", Ranpo cried out.

Yosano just snorted again.

Atsushi titled his head.

"Then why don't you just get him flowers? It would be pretty hard to rationalize getting flowers for someone other than a lover", Atsushi said.

"Atsushi", Ranpo gasped, "You aren't a complete idiot!".

Atsushi frowned but muttered a small, "Thanks".

Yosano just rolled her eyes and asked, "Do you need a ride to his house?".

Ranpo immediately responded with a nod of his head.


Poe was very surprised when he was awakened by the ring of his doorbell.

No one ever visited him.

He sluggishly got up from his bed and shuffled over to his door.

Karl watched him with curious eyes.

Even the raccoon was wondering who was visiting the shy man.

Poe took a deep breath as he finally neared the door. He slowly grabbed the door handle and opened it.

"Hello, Poe!".

Poe blinked.


Ranpo nodded with a smile.

Poe titled his head.

Ranpo internally swooned at the action.

"W-what are you doing here? H-how did you ev-even get here?".

"Oh yeah Yosano drove me over here", Ranpo explained while pointing behind him.

Poe followed his hand to see Yosano sitting in her car. He awkwardly waved at her. She just chuckled and waved back.

"W-wait d-d-don't you h-have work?".

"Yeah but I have something to give you".

Poe frowned. What did Ranpo have for him now? And why was he skipping work for him?

Ranpo should be smart enough to know that he wasn't worth skipping work for.

Poe then noticed his arm behind his back.

"Is it behind your back?".

"Why yes, it is! I'm surprised you can even see through all that hair", Ranpo teased. Poe just blushed in response.

"C-can I see it?".

Ranpo smirked and yanked whatever was behind his back towards Poe.

Poe looked at the object, then back at Ranpo, then back at the flowers.

"Those are for me?".

Ranpo let out a huff, "Yes I have already said they are for you".

"Oh, I t-thought they were for Karl", Poe admitted.

Ranpo felt his shut eyes twitch.


"Y-yeah today is Karl's birthday. A-are you s-sure you got t-them for me?".

Ranpo took a deep breath and then shoved them into Poe's hands. He didn't even have enough patience to try and correct the author.

"Yep, yeah they were for Karl. Tell the damn treat stealer that I said happy birthday".

Poe laughed. Ranpo felt his stupid heart skip a beat.

"Thank you Ranpo. I'm sure Karl will enjoy them".

"He better I swear. Well, I need to go".

"Goodby-", but before Poe could even finish the word Ranpo was already dashing off to Yosano's car.

"Goodbye...", Poe finished to the now empty front door.


"I am never taking Atsushi's advice again".

Yosano looked over at Ranpo who was sinking into the passenger seat.

"So, what happened?", she asked.

"I told him I got him the flowers, and then when I showed them the flowers I got him he asked if they were really for him. When I said yes do you know what he said?", Yosano opened her mouth to respond but Ranpo hissed out, "He thought they were for his raccoon".

Yosano continued driving but couldn't believe what she heard.

"Yeah... don't take Atsushi's advice again".

"I know that Yosano".


Back at Poe's house, he was smiling like an idiot. He was surprised that Ranpo even knew about Karl's birthday.

Karl looked at Poe with wide eyes.

Even if he was a raccoon, he couldn't believe that this could happen.

They were obviously for Poe.

But even Ranpo should have known that Poe didn't think he deserved them.

Poe didn't think he even deserved Ranpo's attention.

And it hurt Karl more than he ever thought it would.

Step 8: Completed!

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