Step 6: Go Out On A Date

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When Poe finally arrived at the agency he was surprised that Ranpo was waiting outside the door for him.

"Come on let's go!", Ranpo exclaimed. Poe barely had enough time to say hello to the other before he was whisked back down the stairs.

"W-where are we g-going Ranpo?", Poe asked as Ranpo ran onto the street.

"Oh the candy store around... somewhere", Ranpo suddenly stopped running.

Poe let out a small yelp as his body collided with the other.

Ranpo felt his head spin when he felt the taller male's head lay atop his own. It wasn't an unwelcomed feeling.

Actually Ranpo wanted it to stay.

"S-sorry about that", Poe whispered.

Ranpo shrugged.

"It's fine. But I have no idea where I am going so do you think you can lead the way?", Ranpo asked.

Poe let out a slow nod.

"Great! Now let's go", Ranpo said.

He soon outstretched his hand towards Poe.

Ranpo had to hold in a laugh when he watched both Poe and Karl tilt there heads in confusion.

"I don't want to get left behind Poe".

"Oh yes! Okay yeah okay", Poe muttered out before he gingerly took the other's hand.

Ranpo looked up at him and smile.

Poe smiled back.

"Now lead the way!".


"A-are you sure that isn't t-t-to much?".

"Poe it's fine! It's just a couple pumps of vanilla".

Poe frowned. Isn't five pumps of vanilla a lot? Especially for a hot chocolate.

"Here hold this", Ranpo suddenly pulled Poe out of his thoughts while he shoved a box of donuts into his arms.

Poe and Karl shared a look. How could Ranpo eat all of these?

That was truly a mystery.


"Where do you want to go Poe?", Ranpo suddenly asked.

Poe's head shot up.


"I know you heard what I said Poe", Ranpo stated with a smirk.

Poe glared from under his bangs.

"I t-thought y-you w-where the b-best detective in the world. T-try and f-figure out w-where I want to go", Poe stuttered out.

Ranpo's eyebrows raised in surprise.

"Fine then! I will".

Poe smiled.

He's sure he will.


Poe's mouth was agape in shock when Ranpo dragged him over to the bookstore.

"H-how did you figure it out?", Poe asked.

Ranpo let out a small giggle when Poe's mouth was still held wide open in surprise.

"I am so offended Poe! How dare you think I couldn't figure it out", Ranpo exclaimed.

Poe didn't even respond. He instead walked straight into the small store.

Ranpo watched as he go and smiled.

He was happy that he was even able to make Poe so happy with something so simple.

"You can get anything you want here Poe. I'll pay for it", Ranpo stated when he finally caught up to the taller male.

Poe's eyes probably widened in surprise from under his bangs.

"Really? Are you sure".

Ranpo nodded, "Yeah. I mean it's worth seeing your smile".

"Oh um thanks, wait I mean-mean yeah thanks for that", Poe awkwardly finished the statement before shuffling over to the books.

When Poe was finally looking away Ranpo did a giddy little dance.


Oh, that was simple.

Because he saw a beautiful blush spread all over Poe's face.

Karl just glared at him from Poe's shoulder.

Step 6: Completed!

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