Step 12: Take Him To The Zoo

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Ranpo never expected Kunikida to suggest something. But here he was.

"He likes animals right?", Kunikida suddenly asked.

Ranpo nodded.

"Then take him to a damn zoo".

Ranpo then zoomed out of the office while Kunikida screamed, "After work you idiot!".


"Why m-must we g-g-go places where Karl isn't allowed?", Poe questioned as Ranpo pushed him through the zoo's main gate.

"Because what if he gets taken by a zookeeper and put in a cage with all the other raccoons!".

"B-but t-there isn't a r-raccoon exhibit h-here Ranpo".

"Really! I would have thought they would have a raccoon exhibit here. Anyways, where do you want to go?".

Poe looked over at him.

"I can pick?", Poe asked. Ranpo nodded.

"C-can we g-go see t-the b-birds?", he asked shyly.

Ranpo smiled.

"I knew you wanted to see the birds".

"T-then why d-did you ask?".

He just wanted to hear the other's voice.


Ranpo knew that Poe was good with animals. But he didn't expect him to be this good.

"Oh my god, you are a bird whisper!", Ranpo exclaimed when another bird landed on Poe's shoulder.

"I-I'm not really", Poe stuttered out meekly when the bird cuddled into his neck.

Ranpo just snorted.

"Sure, whatever you say".

Poe opened his mouth to protest but another bird landed on his head. It then snuggled into his hair, making it move every which way.

And soon Poe's unruly bangs finally unleashed his eyes.

Ranpo could feel his mouth almost fall open when he was finally able to see the others face.

Usually, he only ever saw one eye. But now it was fully on display.

Ranpo would have to thank that bird later.

"P-please get off!", Poe pleaded with the bird. Ranpo clicked his tongue.

No way was he letting this opportunity go to waste. He quickly dug into his pocket and pulled out his phone.

"Poe look over here and smile", Ranpo said. Poe looked over and blushed when he saw the phone pointed at him.

"W-what are y-you d-doing", he whimpered.

"I want to take a picture of this!", Ranpo exclaimed. Poe just gaped at him.

"B-but my h-hair and e-eyes are o-out and-and-", "I don't care I just want a picture of you smiling", Ranpo cut out.

Poe's eyes widened. But then he meekly nodded his head. A blush now clear to see.

Ranpo smiled triumphantly.

"Good, now smile".

Poe looked up, smiled, and when the click from the phone was heard he carefully shook the birds off of him.

Ranpo frowned as he watched Poe shove all his hair back into his face.

His beautiful eyes now gone.

But at least Ranpo had a picture.


When the day finally ended and Ranpo was back home he opened his photos.

And when he finally came across the photo of Poe he smiled.

Poe was smiling brightly at him, his cheeks pink. Grey violet-like eyes stared back at him. And Ranpo noticed that Poe had adorable dimples.

Ranpo then scrolled to the other photo he had taken that day.

The photo was a simple one. Poe had bought a small plushie toy of a raven and Ranpo had somewhat forced him to pose for a picture.

This time his hair was sadly not pushed back, but Ranpo found that he didn't mind all that much.

The photo was cute nonetheless.

Especially with Poe all but cuddling the doll in the picture.

So he really did owe Kunikida. Maybe he will actually do his paperwork as a thank you.


When Poe got home he gently set down the Raven, which he named Lenore, on his bed.

Poe then shoved himself under the covers. Karl jumped beside him and cuddled into his arms.

"Karl... do you think he is doing all this because he feels bad?", Poe suddenly asked.

Karl looked up at him with confusion clear in his eyes.

"I mean do you think he thinks that he did something wrong to me and is trying to make up for it", Poe explained.

Karl rolled his eyes. Poe then watched as his friend closed his eyes.

"... So I take that as a no".

Karl reopened with a soft kick to his stomach.

Definitely a no then.

Step 12: Completed!

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