Step 3: Listen To That Advice

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Ranpo couldn't believe that this was Yosano's advice for him. 

"Shut up", Yosano hissed from her side of the couch as she shoveled more popcorn into her mouth. 

"I didn't even say anything!".

"True, but I know you are thinking something when you are supposed to be paying attention to the damn movie".

Ranpo huffed, "Why should I? The plot is so bland and the ending is so cliche!".

Yosano glared at him.

"Fine then! If you don't want to win over Poe then turn off the fucking t.v Ranpo!".

Ranpo felt his shoulders sink at that. Will this truly help him win Poe over?

"F-fine, keep it playing then I don't care".

Yosano smiled, "That's what I like to hear!".

With that, both Yosano and Ranpo turned their attention back to the screen. 


At the end of the movie, Ranpo was already calculating plans in his head. 

Yosano smiled at her friend. 

"See, it wasn't that bad, was it? Now you have an idea of what to do now!", she exclaimed. 

Even though Yosano said that Ranpo didn't believe it to be true. 

"But, let's just say, I do all these things and it has all been in vain?", Ranpo questioned. 

Yosano let out a chuckle, "Are you serious?".

"Yes I am very serious Yosano", Ranpo replied with a pout. 

"Ranpo, you are the world's greatest detective, and yet you can't even see that Poe likes you back?".

When Yosano said those words Ranpo's gaze shot back up to her. 


"He likes you Ranpo. I can't believe you haven't seen it yet!".

When Yosano confirmed it, Ranpo felt his chest hurt. He felt his head float away. He felt all these symptoms of illness.

And yet this time it felt so amazing. 

"He likes me", Ranpo felt a smile grace his lips when he said it, "He likes me!". 

Yosano nodded. 

"Yes. He likes you. Now shut up so you can listen to my advice dammit!".

Step 3: Completed!

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