Step 15: Show Affection Because Now You Can

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"I-Is this really necessary R-Ranpo?", Poe asked.

"Yes! Because now I can cuddle and kiss you", Ranpo responded. With that, he patted his lap.

"Now let me love you, Poe!".

Poe sighed, but shuffled towards his boyfriend and gingerly sat on his lap.

"I-I don't und-understand why I am s-sitting in your lap. I-I am older a-and taller", Poe pointed out.

Ranpo just tugged him closer making Poe all but collide into him.

"Shut up Poe! I am showing you my love so that means you are going to be the little spoon forever", Ranpo stated.

Poe felt a blush rolling onto his face.


Ranpo responded by snuggling against the man. Poe let out a surprised yelp.

"Yes! Forever so get used to it".

Poe just sighed but got comfortable. At least Ranpo was a good hugger.


Poe felt another kiss be smashed into his face when morning arrived.

"Goodmorning Ranpo", he greeted before Ranpo kissed him once more.

"You're finally awake! Now help me make breakfast since I might burn down your kitchen", Ranpo said.

Poe laughed but got up anyway.

"D-do y-you w-want eggs?".


Poe couldn't help but shy away when Ranpo's hand came closer to his hair.

"I promise I won't judge Poe. I just want to see your face", Ranpo said with a soothing voice.

"B-but w-why?", he asked.

"You know how you like to see my eyes", Poe nodded, "It's the same for me. I've only ever seen your face once, and I find it beautiful".

Poe blushed.

"Y-you t-think I-I'm beautiful?".

"Yes. Yes, I do".

Poe smiled.

"So, will you let me?".

Poe nodded and Ranpo cheered.

With one quick motion, Poe's curtain was removed and he was staring at Ranpo with his dull eyes.

Ranpo looked at him and Poe stared back.

"Oh my god, my boyfriend is so hot".


"Well, I'm not fucking lying!".


"The birds work for the bourgeoisie", Poe whispered. Ranpo stared at him with a puzzled look.


Poe looked up at him with glazed eyes.

"All of the birds died in 1986 due to Reagan killing them and replacing them with spies that are now watching us. The birds work for the bourgeoisie", Poe said.

Ranpo opened his eyes to look at his boyfriend.

"Did you eat those gummies that help you fall asleep again?".

"... Yeah".

"Okay Poe come here. We are going to sleep", Ranpo said while opening his arms. He hoped that Poe would crawl into his arms at least.

Luckily Poe sluggishly shuffled over and Ranpo quickly wrapped his arms around him.

"Do you think the birds like working for the bourgeoisie?", Poe questioned.

"I don't know".

"I thought you were the best detective in the world and yet you don't know what the birds feel about working for the bourgeoisie?".

"... No".

"Okay, I love you Ranpo", Poe whispered quietly.

Ranpo smiled lazily and kissed Poe's shoulder.

"Love you too".

Step 15: Completed!

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