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↳ chapter twelve

Madi woke up to a crushing headache, her brain pounding against her skull

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Madi woke up to a crushing headache, her brain pounding against her skull. She forced herself to sit up, finding that she was in the back seat of an inanimate car. Only, it wasn't one of The Saviors' cars, and she didn't recognize it.

In the rearview mirror, she saw her reflection; a simple band-aid was placed on her minor forehead wound, though her thick blood had dried on her skin.

Madi groaned in pain, before seething as she sucked on her clenched teeth. Her backpack laid beside her, and she was quick to open it up and to search for her radio. When she found the device, she held it to her lips, thankful that she hadn't lost it, "Negan?" She spoke.

Her voice was weak as she spoke into the microphone of the radio that would reached Negan's, and Negan's only. She noticed that her other radio, the one that connected to every member of The Saviors, was gone.

She prayed to the god that she didn't believe in, hoping that she'd hear his voice answer her. After all, after the car crash, she hadn't seen him. She didn't know if Rick had gotten to him, or if he had already been dead in the wrecked vehicle. She did know that if he hadn't made it; she would avenge him. Even if it meant killing Rick after they'd 'made up'. Even if it meant killing everyone that had ever stood against Negan.

"He cannot talk now." A familiar voice rang out onto the other line. Madi began to frustratedly searched her mind for the woman who had just talked.

Finally, she figured it out as she replied, "Jadis? Where the hell is Negan?" Her tone was quite strict, despite how dry her throat was as she questioned the woman who ruled the 'garbage people'.

"Negan is dead. Or well, he will be soon." Jadis remarked, her tone absent; void of any emotion. Behind her voice, Negan could be heard shouting out for the young girl who he'd heard on the line.

Madi clenched her sharp jaw, taking a deep, visible breath in an attempt to control her seething anger. "Jadis, I swear to God, I will kill you!" She swore, sitting up quickly only to flinch in pain.

She looked down at her ripped jeans to see bloodied specs along her skin, and a large cut from a removed shard of glass.

As she crawled up, into the driver's seat, crying out from her movement, her small hands balled into tight fists. "Either way, I kill him first, yes?" Jadis replied on the other line, her grammar still just as flawed as ever.

"Motherfucker." Madi huffed under her breath, exhausted already. She turned the car key, flicking it back on. After repeating the action a few times, the battery kicked into action, the vehicle subtly rumbling under her.

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