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↳ chapter fifteen

Madi sat in the uncomfortable seat in The Sanctuary's conference room, her legs kicked up and shoes resting on the metal table

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Madi sat in the uncomfortable seat in The Sanctuary's conference room, her legs kicked up and shoes resting on the metal table. Her thin arms were loosely crossed over her chest as she met Simon's eyes.

He was on his knees, knelt down on the cold, hard floor. Negan stood behind him with Lucille in hand, the barbwired bat totally prepared to crush the psychotic man's thick skull.

And, while Madi would've instinctively flinched away from the view, she couldn't peel her eyes away from Simon's. There was a blank expression on her face as she stared at him proudly.

"You gonna make a move, or is that it?" Negan questioned, waiting for some sort of reaction. But, Simon remained as void of emotion as ever, his gaze still set upon Madi as she smirked slightly.

By the way that the vein in his forehead protruded, she could just tell how boiling with rage he was internally. But, he didn't let it show as he spoke clearly, "No move to make." He declared while awaiting the punishment that would result in his death.

Simon had attempted to take control of The Saviors the moment that Negan was gone. He stormed them outside and into the Hilltop, starting a battle that resulted in the loss of multiple Saviors' lives.

He also murdered all of Jadis' people, which not only was against Negan's orders, but it also almost got Negan killed.

And, of course, he'd attempted to burn Madi alive. Luckily, Dwight was there to save her life, otherwise she'd be dead now, and so would Negan.

So, if anyone deserved to be executed, it was Simon. Madi didn't offer him any sort of remorse, because the way she saw it; Simon wasn't even human.

But, Negan had a plan. Which is why he sighed contently, feeling successful as he dropped Lucille down. "All is forgiven." He concluded, "Get your ass up. We're good."

Madi watched him as he went back to her and reseated himself at the head of the table; in the seat beside her's. All eyes were flickering between both men as Simon swore, "I won't let you down. Not you." He glanced over at Madi, an obvious threat laced in his words.

"I appreciate the hell out of that." Negan declared before looking down at the map that'd been placed on the table. He began going over their plan, pointing to locations on the map, "This is where we start-- The first of our new staging posts. See, we do not have to take the Hilltop. We just have to make sure that the farmers can't leave. We stay nimble, we stay light-- We plink their asses every time one of them tries to poke their head out. Sometimes right in front, sometimes from a mile away, but every goddamn time."

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