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↳ chapter ten

Earlier, Henry had stopped by for a short moment

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Earlier, Henry had stopped by for a short moment. During his quick visit, he gave Madi the key to the cells, offering her a subtle nod of reassurance when she hesitated to take them.

Currently, the lack of light and usual outside commotion hinted the two imprisoned girls that nighttime had finally fallen. It'd already been a long day of violent outbursts from every party involved as Daryl, Madi, and sometimes Henry joined in on the discussion of Lydia's traumatic childhood.

Apparently, a young Lydia had put herself in danger, and when her father stepped in to save her life, he was killed by the walker that had been attacking her.

That's what Lydia had told them, anyway.

After countless hours of the emotionally exhausting explanations, Madi decided that it was about time that she got some fresh air that wasn't clouded by dust.

And so, the girl rose from her seat on the floor, the complete lower half of her body painfully numb from the many uncomfortable positions she was forced into; given that there was no way to find any comfort in the freezing cold, hard-surfaced cells.

"What are you doing?" Lydia questioned, also rising from her own seated stance on the concrete floor when she saw Madi pull the key out from within her denim back pocket.

Reaching through a gap in the barred door, Madi unlocked her own cell, and took a deep breath of the underground shelters thick air before exiting.

Lydia didn't say anything for a long moment as she backed away from the front of her cell, still cautious of most people. But, when Madi approached her, standing on the outer, opposite side of the rusted, metal jail bars, Lydia slowly made her way toward the bruised, sickly pale girl.

"Hi." Lydia spoke with a soft, but strained voice as she caught the loyal attention of the blue-eyed girl before her.

For the first time, they were able to see one another clearly.

Madi took notice of Lydia's chocolate brown orbs and the unevenly chopped sidebangs that added an odd layer of volume to her brunette hair. Her blue eyes traced Lydia's dirty attire.

But, she didn't automatically assume that it had already been that way when she arrived. After all, Madi was just as dirty as her, if not more.

So, the raggedy state of Lydia's baggy jeans and the rips and tears along her purple long-sleeved top weren't quite as shocking to her as they were to most of the people who'd caught a glimpse of her in Hilltop.

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