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↳ chapter three

Most of the supplies Madi had gathered from their enemies went toward the ill and young people of their group

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Most of the supplies Madi had gathered from their enemies went toward the ill and young people of their group. Still, winter was coming, and Madi needed to prepare further. These were the things that resulted in the delay of Negan's release from imprisonment.

The Saviors needed more blankets, and warmer, thicker clothes and coats. They needed a large stock of food, since it wouldn't be possible for them to go out so often during the cold. And, medicine, for the likely sicknesses they were going to be exposed to during winter.

Currently, the girl was outside of camp, searching a store in hopes for leftover supplies. Both Mickey and Harvey were with her, lending their free hands.

Rain flicked against their exposed skin, a few dewy droplets catching onto Madi's long, thick lashes. She was only wearing a grey tank top, along with her usual jogger-cut khakis and heavy boots.

"You know, Madi, I've been meaning to tell you something for a while now." Mickey explained as he trudged behind the girl. Harvey walked alongside her, rolling his eyes at the teenaged boy.

Though Madi didn't pay either of them much mind, when there was a wordless shout from behind her, she turned on her heel, wide-eyed. Mickey had disappeared from view, partially due to the heavy rain.

Harvey drew his gun, aiming into the surrounding air and guarding Madi. But, neither saw Michonne until she plunged her signature sword into Harvey's torso.

As she collapsed to the ground, Madi cried out the man's name, her voice loud and booming; even audible through the storm. Michonne grabbed the fallen girl, restraining her.

The black woman hadn't even been in search for Madi when she found her. She'd simply been on her way back to Alexandria. But, she was angry, and after hearing that Madi had stolen from them and killed their people, she took both of Mickey and Harvey's lives.

"Get off me!" Madi growled, her raised voice deepened as she fought against the woman's tight hold on her.

Michonne shook her head, not releasing the teen until she hit her gun against Madi's head, "Not happening."


Madi's eyes flickered open as she laid on the cold, stone floor of Alexandria's cell. From her place, through two layers of bars, she could see a familiar shadow.

Groaning, she pulled herself off of the ground, her fingers pressing the wound on her head and picking up blood.

"Negan?" She asked, her voice weak as she stared at his silhouetted figure. The man met her eyes, able to see the blue of her orbs as she stood in the light, though he remained in the concealment that the darkness offered.

"Darlin'?" He called, unsure if he was now beginning to go mad. But, when Madi huffed out a breath of air the same way she always had, and declared, "We need to get out of here." He was sure that she was real.

"We're not getting out of here. There's no use in trying." Negan denied her sudden suggestion, shaking his head at the girl.

Madi simply scoffed, sliding down the stone wall and onto the ground, mirroring Negan's position.

"So, that's it, huh? You just gave up on getting out of here. How long ago was that? How long was I holding things together for your return, praying that you would come back while you sat in here safely, waiting for death?" Madi asked, her eyes darkening at his words.

Maybe, she'd just wished that things had gone differently. Part of her blamed herself for ever trusting Rick to save Negan. Or, maybe it was the fact that Madi had invisioned her reunion to be this way; she'd always imagined that she'd finally be able to hug him again, and to smile. But, now she frowned, locked away alongside him.

Whatever the cause; Madi was angry.

"Holding things together? What's that mean? Where have you been? Nobody would tell me-" Negan's wonders and worries were cut off by Madi as she replied, "Nobody knew."

She sighed, leaning her throbbing head against the wall beside her as she sat in the corner. "The Saviors aren't gone, not all of them. I mean, sure, things have changed-- they're harder. But, we have eachother, we--" Madi trailed off, reminded of Harvey's death, "Fuck."

Negan frowned at the way she muttered the curse so sadly, the word whimpered under her breath. "I didn't know." He claimed, gaze set upon the girl as he was seemingly unable to look away.

"Like I said, nobody did." Madi shrugged, nuzzling against the wall again, trying to find sense of warmth as she shivered.

Her skin and clothes were still sobbing wet, her bare shoulders smothered by cold against the stone walls around her.

And, again, she drifted unconscious, the bleeding of her head tiring her. Still, Negan watched her, his sad, hazel eyes set upon her familiar feautures.

Even from the little contact that they'd shared, Negan knew something had changed within her.

While she still looked nearly the exact same, her eyes were seemingly always angry, and her nostrils were flared. She seemed leaner from lack of food, as though she'd been starved for the entire time they'd been apart. Though, she was also more muscular, her short, thin arms a bit veiny from the obvious strength of her upper body.

Her hair was even longer, and it didn't appear to be cut off at all since he'd last seen her. Around her eyes, there were discolored bags, making it obvious that she was restless and losing sleep.

As far as he could tell, her voice had gotten deeper, though he couldn't really believe that with definition, because of her constantly angry tone.

He wasn't sure he really knew the girl any more, even if it'd only been about a year.

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