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~ The Next Morning ~


I wake up & check the time.

10:30 am


I get up and open the curtains.

"Holy Shit."

Lena wasn't kidding this view is ridiculous.

I hear Lena laugh from the other room.

I head over to my door and open it.

I see Lena in the Living Room sipping her coffee and eating toast while watching cartoons.

"Just like old times I see."

She laughs.

I head to the kitchen and get me a cup of coffee and sit next to Lena.

"Do you remember when you would come down the street every morning & we would force daddy to watch a cartoon with us?"

I laugh.

"And no matter how busy he was, he would sit down and watch one with us? God we probably made him late so many times."

We laugh.

"Yeah, but he didn't care."

"So, who is this we are watching?"

"Wait. Stef you've never seen Tom & Jerry?"

"Tom & who?"

Lena looks like she is about shake open with shock.

"Only like one of the most classic cartoons you will ever see."

We both kick our legs up and enjoy our coffee. We laugh at the dumb parts of the cartoons & rehash memories from our childhood.

-3 hours later-


I knock on Stef's door.

"Come in"

"Hey. So, I was thinking with dinner being tomorrow night, why don't me & you go shopping for our outfits. I mean you just got here & it would be good for you to get outside & out of this apartment. Plus, you do need something to wear."

"If you insist Lena. I will go shopping with you."

I clap.


"I will be ready in 15."

"Got it."

I shut the door & go get ready myself.

This is just like old times.

-1 hour later (at the mall)-


"Okay, where are we going?"

"We are going to Louis Vuitton."

"Wait that like ridiculously expensive items Louis Vuitton? No I can't afford that."

"I am paying silly."

"Oh hell no. Nope. Not letting you buy me anything."

"Fine. Where do you want go?"

"In here."

I grab Lena's hand and drag her across the mall.

"Alright Lena. Now we have to split up. We can't see what each other pick out. This is a date, & I dress to impress."

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