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~2 days later (the day Stef leaves)~


I have on my jacket.

The ring is in the coat pocket.

I'm a little nervous.

With my anxiety, I am not even sure how tonight will go.

Will I propose?

Will I not propose?

I sit my bags in front of the door.

"Can I see the painting now?"

I laugh.

"Very eager tonight."

I'm trying to stall so I can play this off as long as possible.

Maybe even miss my flight.

"Well I have been waiting like forever. And you know me, not peeking was very difficult. But, I didn't peek & now I get to see it."

I laugh.

I take off the cover and show it to her.

The color splashes symbolize all the challenges and struggles that have come through mine & Lena friendship

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The color splashes symbolize all the challenges and struggles that have come through mine & Lena friendship.

The white line symbolizes me without Lena in the situation. All over the place, out of control, unstable.

And the black line symbolizes me with Lena in the situation. Honest, brave, fearless, and on a straight path headed forward.

She looks at it and smiles.

"Wow Stef. I love it. It has great depth and character. And it really completes the hallway."

I smile.

She didn't get it.

Now I don't know if I should propose or not.

"Excuse me Stef while I use the bathroom."

"Take your time."

I smile at her

I head to the guest bedroom.

I open the drawer and sit the engagement ring inside next to a note.

I head back out to the hallway & Lena comes out.

"Well I guess this is it huh?"


I smile sadly.

"I guess so."

She comes over to me rubbing my shoulders.

"Come here."

She pulls me into a hug.

I hug her back not wanting to let her go.

Wanting to admit my feeling right here.

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