Matching Tattoos

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~The Next Night (6 pm in the car)~


"How you feeling?"

"A little nervous."

"I mean it is your first tattoo."

"Yeah, but I am glad its gonna be this. Every time I look at my forearm I will think of you."

"Of us."


We connect our pinky's

(like a pinky promise.)

We stay like that the rest of the drive.

"Does it hurt? I mean obviously it a needle and ink."

I grab her hand.

We have arrived at the tattoo place.

I put the car in park & turn off the vehicle.

Still holding on too her hand, I look into her eyes.

"I'm not gonna lie to you, because we are Lena & Stef no secrets & no lies. Yeah it's gonna suck. But, your forearm is supposed to be less painful then your finger."

I put up my pointer finger showing her the Rose I dedicated to her.

"And this hurt like a bitch. So, it can't be that bad. And I will hold your hand if you need me too."

She nods.


I laugh.

"Remember my motto?"

"Of course."

"Then say it."

"Your motto is 'I am Stef Foster. And Stef Foster never breaks a promise.'"

I put up my pinky.

She smiles and links hers around mine.

We kiss our thumbs.

"I promise."

She smiles.

I pat her leg.


She sends a shot of electricity through my body.

I bite the inside of my mouth to stop myself from kissing her.

She gets out of the car & comes around to my side.

She opens my door.

"Thank you."

"Only the best for you."

I laugh.

She is so goofy yet serious.

So, sentimental. But, so closed off.

She really makes me feel a certain way.

But, I don't know if she feels the same.

She is hard to read.

We head into the tattoo parlor & a girl with tattoo sleeves on both arms greets us.

She has a unique yet elegant British accent.

"Hello, my name is Andrea. I will be tatting you ladies tonight. What are your plans?"

I look at Stef.

"That's how an accent should sound."

She laughs.

She goes over to Andrea.

She shows her the picture of what we want.

"Wow. You two must be pretty close."

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