Chapter One

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Ella Coker's heels hit the tiled floor. She wore her sunglasses and stepped into the office.

"Miss Coker is here. Miss Coker is here."

Everyone went back to their offices as she walked in with a client.

The client chuckled.

"Your staff must be afraid of you" He said and she walked on, not replying.

"Miss Uche." She called her secretary.

"Come into my office." She walked into her office with the client.

Uche walked in, almost trembling.

"What has been going on since my absence Uche?" Ella Coker questioned.

"Madam, I can explain."

"Uche, my company is the best company in textile and designing so far. This company has to move forward Uche."

"Am so sorry Ma."


Uche scurried out of the office. Ella Coker turned towards her client and pulled off her sunglasses.

"So where were we?" She said crossing her fingers.

Uche sat down heavily.
The devil is back, she thought.
She began to scribble on her note pad. More work on its way.

"Ella Coker is a well known sophisticated lady in the business industry. Her company 'Coker's textile and design' is among the top on the list." The news caster said.

Ella picked up the remote and changed the channel. So much for being a worker, or a boss. She kicked off her heels and relaxed on the chair. She crossed her legs and exhaled.
The day had been a hectic one for her.

Her phone rang. It was Jide, her so called boyfriend.

"Hello, Jide." She spoke.

"Ella, I have been calling you for a while. What's the problem?" He asked angrily.

"Jide, I had a tiring day. I am not in the mood for your argument."

"Ella. I don't like this."

"Then, that's your business, Jide. I don't care what you think." She said and threw her phone on the sofa.

"Fool." She said.

"Welcome, Ma." Amara greeted.

"Thanks, Amara. What's for dinner?"

"Em...I prepared Jollof Rice Ma with plantain."

Ella sighed. "That's preferable." She stood up and went to her room.

As she stepped into the shower, she closed her eyes. She wasn't in the mood for arguments with Jide. She finished up and left the bathroom.

She had dinner with Amara.

"You're a good cook. I hope you'd teach me how to cook." Ella chuckled.

"Yes, Ma." Amara blushed.

She had found Amara on the streets, her parents had died in an accident in an unknown city. She was in the car with them. She was lucky to have survived. But wandering around the streets. She was fine with Ella

The door bell rang. Amara went to open the door.

"Ma, its Oga Jide." She said.

Ella stood up and went to the door.

"What is it, Jide?"

"We need to talk, Ella." Jide said sternly.

Ella walked up to her bedroom with Jide. She sat on the bed and crossed her arms.


"Why are you doing this, Ella?"

"Doing what exactly Jide? That I ain't spending time with you? Jide we just came back from a holiday. I didn't want to go with you. But you insisted."

"Are we going back to that?" He asked.

"Yes I am. Its been two days and you say I am avoiding you. Who the hell are you?" She said, her voice going higher.

"I am your boyfriend." Jide replied.

"Damn you,Jide. You're just that regular guy that wants to have sex with me. Oh The Rich Ella Coker. Right?"

"Ella!" Jide shouted, his hand up in the air.

"You wanna hit me, Jide. Hit me. Hit me and get ready to go to jail."

"Ella." He said.

"Just get out Jide. You've overstayed your welcome." She said.



Jide turned and left. Ella fell on the bed, stayed in one position until she slept off.

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