one . introduction

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a pair of brown eyes scans the crowd outside, beyond the glass wall of the restaurant. the streets were bustling despite the hour, people occasionally bumping into each other and muttering short (and dry) apologies.

the girl continues to stare ahead, lips tugging down in bemusement.

"ohashi-san, would it hurt for you to focus?"

'ohashi' ayame simply glances to her left, too lazy to move a muscle. her eyelids droop over her eyes as she looks at her classmate.

the classmate sighs and mumbles. "i can't even tell if you're sleepy or not."

"i'm not..." ayame objects, head now fully turned to show her attention. her thumb and index fingers brush against each other repeatedly. "why'd you picked me to discuss about this, riku-san...? i don't have a significant role in the event."

"the others are busy. plus, you're not even in an after-school club, right? makes it all the more easier. i need someone to talk to about my ideas."

ayame stares past her short-haired classmate. "more like yap..."

"excuse me? anyways, the teachers told me. . ."

the girl's voice simply becomes a white noise to ayame's ears. she observes how her classmate keeps hitting her shoulder lightly, as if trying to get rid of the soreness in them.

a flower materialises in between ayame's fingers.

". . . so that's what i was thinking." riku rolls her neck as she ends her talk. setting aside her notes, she raises her cup of tea to her lips.



"how's your shoulder? you were punching it real good earlier..."

"'punching'? you're cute." riku grins and shakes her head. "and it's fine, guess it's a bit sore because of how long i've been working on the planning and stuff. gotta pour a lot of hours into it; i don't wanna disappoint the teachers."


ayame leans over and reaches behind riku's back. the girl didn't really mind her though, she's used to ayame's antics.

"what? is it a bug?" riku asks, sipping her tea.

"yeah." ayame sinks back into her seat, playing with her necktie. "quite a big bug. it'll go away."

"hm? not gonna get rid of it yourself?"


droopy brown eyes stare at the small, dark purple creature, writhing in pain as it stubbornly hangs around riku's neck despite the pain.

faint coating of white fire surrounds the body, melting off its skin. a small white flower sits right on top of its head where the fire is densest.

a cursed spirit.


the fire fades away as the last bits of its flesh turn to ashes.

the girl exhales. 'it was a weak one.'

"ohashi-san? what's wrong? you zoned out there."

ayame straightens her back and smiles. "how's your shoulder?"

"ah, my shoulder? it's still - "

riku blinks.

"it's... it feels great?! whoa, what the heck? hey, were you pulling a prank on me?"

"i didn't...?" ayame holds her hands up in surrender. "maybe it was the bug..."

"yeah, right. you were messing with me!"

"no, i wasn't..."

[june 6 2020]

i have decided to contribute to this small community

also here's how ayame looks like! i'll consider drawing a full ver somewhere in the future :D (yes, she's the girl in the cover!)

also here's how ayame looks like! i'll consider drawing a full ver somewhere in the future :D (yes, she's the girl in the cover!)

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choppy bangs

also yikes, i wrote this in the wee hours of the morning

ayame's flower realm . JUJUTSU KAISENWhere stories live. Discover now