Chapter 3: The freezing Loch Ness terror from Judas

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Shortly after the return of Heinrich Schumann, who was also known as Erzengel des Schwarzer-Todes, everything became different. Erzengel played a major role in the Iscariot Army Corps as one of its top executives like he did in the past. He took charge of direct attacks and technology development, as he used to be a brilliant German general in his human lifetime. He was responsible for developing a virus reanimating the dead as immortal soldiers to serve Nazi Germany, and got infected with the virus himself intentionally to become immortal and powerful to defeat the Allied. But this was not the only reason why Judas Dracula Iscariot got interested in the new general prior to his recruitment in 1944. Judas found Heinrich Schumann a potential general capable of modernizing and improving the Army Corps with his vast knowledge in military strategies and his desire to become immortal, and took him into his fold when he made a contract with him. Heinrich had already been infected with his own virus, but he still retained his intelligence and consciousness in addition to receiving superhuman speed and strength. The dark energy from Judas Iscariot hastened Heinrich's transformation and boosted his powers, making him a supernatural undead that could never be killed. This was why he was only sealed alive by the legendary priest, because at that time there was almost no available way to permanently destroy an Iscariot creature.

The date Erzengel appeared was November 13, 2015. It was the very same day the first Iscariot Monster was created and destroyed. 

November 14, 2015, 16 o'clock, GMT-4, USA time zone, New York.

A corrupted Judas Coin fused with a fire extinguisher and turned it into an Iscariot Monster named Nessie, a long-necked navy blue plesiosaur monster dressed in a fireman uniform with extinguisher hoses dangling from below his back, a red fire extinguisher from his back that could act like an artillery firing out freezing shells and a tough helmet. It could breathe out ice and blast ice from its palms, and was an aquatic monster with immense strength. Shortly after being created, Nessie took charge of attacking a lakeside community to gather fear from the victims of the attack. He threw many people into nearby water fountains if any, and mauled others with his flipper claws. 

"It might be the presence of a new Iscariot Monster. But no matter what it is, we have to do something with it." Juliet said as she spotted the signal of danger on GPS while at home.

So Romeo and Juliet hurried to the lakeside community, where the evil presence came from. There they saw Nessie attacking people alongside his troops, and got involved in a fight with them. Aside from Benvolio, Juliet's cousin Tybalt Capulet was present.

Nessie returned to the lakeside community to resume his attack an hour later. He appeared from a fountain where a man and a woman were sitting together. With two hands he grabbed them both and flung them into the fountain, before he walked out from the fountain. He looked up and saw Benvolio standing from afar, looking at him.

"Are you here to seek death?" Nessie said.

So the Iscariot Monster and the young Montague fought each other in a battle. As Nessie blasted freezing mist from his palms, Benvolio rushed his ways out from the firing range and struck the monster with repeated blows from the baseball bat he was carrying.

"Is that all you've got? How about taking a double dose?" Nessie said.

Nessie charged energy into both his hands and blasted a more powerful and colder gust of freeze mist at his opponent, extinguishing his fire attack and almost freezing him instantly. As a result, Benvolio was nearly immobilized.

"It's time for a killing blow." Nessie said.

Nessie bombarded the whole area with freezing explosive shells fired out from his back-mounted extinguisher and breathed out ice from his mouth. As Benvolio attempted to run for his life, he was relentlessly pursued by the monster's shells and fainted with fatigue after the run. Fortunately, Benvolio's best friend Mercutio rescued him.

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