Chapter 5: Stopping the onslaughts

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November 21, 2015, 15 o'clock, GMT-4, USA time zone, New York.

At an ice-cream restaurant in Cocke County, Tennessee, a woman was standing at the counter. She was busy with selling ice-cream to young children, with her orange-yellow watch on her left wrist. Suddenly, a Judas Coin fused itself with a watch and made the watch slip out from the woman's wrist. She never noticed this, because she was too busy to pay attention to her watch. The woman's watch fell onto the ground and turned itself into an Iscariot Monster named Cat Sidhe, an orange-yellow cat monster with claws resembling buckle tongues of a watch and a clock on his chest. The clock allowed him to travel through time periods and reverse his death to continuously revive him. That was why he earned the name of a cat with more than nine lives. Upon seeing the cat monster standing next to them, the ice-cream seller and the children ran away in great panic. The cat monster met Muriel who appeared to him and told him to rewind the movement of a school bus passing by so as to have it nearly collided with a truck behind it. Cat Sidhe did like what he was told and was successful. The two vehicles didn't collide into each other, but the passengers and drivers were very scared stiff. Their negative emotions were gathered by Muriel and infused into her wand. She blasted a lightning bolt at a car and destroyed it with a huge explosion.

"Listen up, cat. I will leave it to your own matters, and you are tasked to cause as much havocs as you can. The more you try, the greater your success becomes." Muriel said before vanishing in a thin column of smoke.

But Juliet had been present in the ice cream restaurant, and she wasn't very pleased about it. So she rushed into a battle with Cat Sidhe. With a golf club, she smacked the monster's body all over and over. Now she was furious. She was wild with elegance and style of a queen. Her shoes kicked the monster repeatedly as it tried to defend with its sharp claws.

Then a few minutes passed, Cat Sidhe was accompanied by a group of Iscariorcs carrying swords and Kalashnikov rifles, though some of them carried bows. Juliet single-handedly used her telekinetic powers to lift the Iscariorcs up and toss them away as if she was throwing a ball of feathers. She vaporized them effortlessly with an energy blast from his hand. After realizing that Juliet had supernatural powers, Cat Sidhe was very surprised.

"You look like a human, but you possess unbelievable abilities. Who are you actually?" Cat Sidhe said.

"You shall know who I am." Juliet replied before starting to fight Cat Sidhe in a hand-to-hand battle.

Eventually, that monster was completely destroyed by Juliet after a few strikes from her rapier.

November 21, 2015, 17 o'clock, GMT-4, USA time zone, New York.

Tybalt arrived to Massachusetts. He was completely dumbfounded as he saw Yeti standing at a crossroad, next to a traffic light post. The ice monster was accompanied by a group of Iscariorcs carrying swords and bows, and some of them were wielding axes. Yeti was holding his hockey stick by the long handle, and an icy blade came out from the curved head of the stick.

"Hello there, young gentleman. Do you want to play skiing? Playing ice hockey? Building a snowman?" Yeti asked.

"No thanks." Tybalt replied, his hands were holding a sniper rifle.

"It'll be my pleasure to welcome you to my icy kingdom, and as long as you're a pure soul, you'll be welcomed to this place as a citizen of my world." Yeti said.

"You will never know why I'm here. I'm here to claim back the warm weather for the people in the city and the world." Tybalt said.

"Sorry, this is beyond my capabilities. I can't do it." Yeti said before holding the hockey stick by the curved head and aimed at Tybalt.

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