Chapter 22: The Third Coming in Korea - part 1

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August 4, 2017, 22 o'clock, GMT-4, New York time zone, New York, USA. Equivalent to August 5, 2017, 11 o'clock, GMT+9, Korea time zone, Seoul, South Korea.

The clanging sounds of shoes echoed outside the dark empty streets of New York. Instead of a hulking dude, the walking figure was actually very tall and lanky. The man had long black hair that reached his heels, a twisted grin baring off his entire jaws of white teeth, and his bright red eyes were hidden beneath his long, oversized hair. His limbs were long and loose, his gait was slightly hunched, and every step looked very slow but actually extremely fast. His outfit was light brown pants, a red-brown shirt with a tie and a long blue-gray jacket. He held a brown mahogany violin with only one string attached, and an elongated violin fiddlestick with a sharp point. His name was Antonio Vescovi. 

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha~~~!!!!!" Antonio laughed crazily, his violin playing terrifying music from hell, but his hand did not touch it, only a few strands of his hair holding the violin and the fiddlestick.

Antonio's violin played the scary music, the music of hell. Ruben's head ached terribly, because that music could do damage to other immortals like him. Even Judas Iscariot, if revived, would not dare to kill Antonio, because that man was too strong for his control even though he was the one who cursed him.

"I was only 35 years old in 1897, and my name is Antonio Vescovi." Antonio grinned as his eyes glanced at Ruben, who was standing on the empty streets with Jasper.

"That's right. I have met Antonio quite a number of times in Italy, and it was in 1890. Antonio was a musical genius and an elegant gentleman. I had learned quite a bit about Antonio, and he was actually gay. You probably know that Judas Iscariot turned Antonio into a monster in 1897, when he was performing on stage. When doing a performance, three of Antonio's violin strings broke. Like a miracle, he could play with only one string, and the three newly broken strings were replaced with brand-new red ones. They were like puppet control threads, and we know that behind the stage there was Judas standing behind. Judas was impressed with Antonio's talent, but actually he criticized him badly because he didn't have any fighting skills." Ruben said.

"Oh yeah, we really have a nice friend." Jasper replied.

"Antonio finished the performance with great success. After the audience left the opera house, Antonio faced Judas alone as I hid under the audience seat. I overheard that Antonio had impressed Judas very much that he was instantly transformed into a monster. When Antonio played again, my head really hurt even though I was hiding in a seat miles away from the stage." Ruben continued.

Jasper: "Foolish people try to interfere with Antonio when he is at work, and their endings are not so good. Wise people let him do what he likes and leave him alone when he is unhappy. Antonio's long tufts of hair can attack like tentacles, and they can grow very fast very long even when severed. His music can make fighters more fierce and more frantic."

When Antonio finished his rhapsody, his wide grin make a rough breathing sound.

"So, you will go and wreak havocs in Korea, right?" Jasper asked.

"Indeed." Antonio said.

"All right, let's go together." Jasper suggested.

Antonio made an unspoken agreement with Jasper and Ruben before the trio disappeared.

August 4, 2017, 23 o'clock, GMT-4, New York time zone, New York, USA. Equivalent to August 5, 2017, 12 o'clock, GMT+9, Korea time zone, Seoul, South Korea.

"From now on I will change my name to join your group. I will take the name of Gudeogi Gam-yeom, which means 'infestation of maggots' in Korean, for the battalion of Tae Baek to whom I serve is nothing more than a diseased chaotic crowd infested with maggots. I am very tired of being a member of it, because it hampers with my progression in my work, and I want to leave it forever." A South Korean soldier declared his vow in front of a hooded man.

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