Chapter 13: Tales of horrors in East Asia - part 2

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December 13, 2015, 4 o'clock, GMT-4, USA time zone, New York. Equivalent to December 13, 2015, 17 o'clock, GMT+9, Japan time zone, Tokyo. Equivalent to December 13, 2015, 17 o'clock, GMT+9, South Korea time zone, Seoul.

While the crazed crowd controlled by Capricorn ravaged through the city in the insane melody, terror was gathered from victims of the assaults. Capricorn soon encountered a new one of his kind, the Gargoyle. He was a hulking tortoise monster with a big snout and a hunched back which was actually a concrete mixer, the item he was created from with the aid of a corrupted Judas Coin. His concrete mixer was a mortar that could shoot different types of concrete blocks: single-shot, cluster-shot, heavy-duty, highly-explosive, heat-seeker missiles. The history of his creation was rather odd, which could be retold like this: a corrupt Judas Coin was found on the gravel pile by a construction worker in Incheon, South Korea, and the gravels were taken into a concrete mixer and mixed with sand, water and limestone. While the concrete was being mixed, the Coin inside the mixture fused with the mixer and transformed it into the Iscariot Monster Gargoyle. After causing much destruction and chaos, the Iscariots and their hypnotized crowd were halted as Romeo came to face them alone. The monsters looked at him coming on his own, and began to laugh at him.

"It would have been better for you to leave. I have no interest in fighting you and your friends. And I want no more of all this fighting. I'm all fed up." Capricorn said.

"Just do what you all want to, I don't care. Then you will just be as well as dead like the other monsters." Romeo smirked.

"It would have been better for you and your guys to be off from our way. You are so frustrating." Capricorn replied.

"And why do we have to see you almost every day? Can you just clear off and return to your home?" Romeo said.

"Because it's all we want – destroy and dominate. You cannot go any further to interfere with us. Also, I thought you would stay in the United States and mind your own businesses." Capricorn said.

"Very well, guys. Five days ago, I arrived to Korea on the request of a group of Koreans for a fan meeting, and then you Iscariots came and nearly ruined my day. But it isn't my personal work in here. So I'll leave this to you then, but don't go too far or we'll have to interfere again." Romeo said as he left.

Before Romeo could leave, he was telepathically stunned by Choi Seo Hyeon, who later rushed towards him and lashed out at him with her knife. But Romeo managed to handle a fight with the ghostly girl opponent and kept her at bay as she tried to stab and jab her knife. Choi Seo Hyeon was only 17 by the time she was converted in 2010, but she was as strong as any other Iscariot generals Romeo had fought before. Choi was quick and agile, although less than any other female Iscariot generals. Romeo managed to keep her subdued after a tricky fight, and sent her away. Soon Kim Jong Bum joined the fight. He was a quite competent fighter, but he was weaker than Romeo in spite of being stronger than a low-class Iscariorc. Kim Jong Bum fought mostly without weapons, but his strikes were slightly faster, and he had psychic powers which were slightly less powerful than Francesco. Since that battle, both Choi and Kim found Romeo a seemingly good mentor, because they showed a more friendly approach to him in spite of being still initially hostile. They left alongside the Iscariot Monsters, waiting for some chance to return for another meeting, where they would meet Romeo's friends and challenge them in a match.

Just by the evening of the same day in South Korean time zone, 18 o'clock (GMT+7), Kim Jong Bum arrived to the hotel Romeo was staying. He quickly informed Romeo of the upcoming Iscariot onslaught and warned him to prepare, because by that time the Iscariots would be back to meet again in a decisive fight.

Romeo: "If you really want to defect from the evil side and run away from it, just run away with all your heart and mind, never look back or turn back. If you have a loved one also in the same situation like yours, reach your hand to theirs and take them away with you. My precognition ability gives me a vision that the Iscariots are angrily mumbling behind your back and planning for your extermination."

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