Chapter 11: New horrors from the East

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December 3, 2015, 13 o'clock, GMT-4, USA time zone, New York.

Inside a metallurgy factory in southern Texas, a corrupted Judas Coin found a metal blast furnace containing molten metal and flew straight into the furnace before it infused itself with the molten metal inside the furnace. As a result, hot molten metal became increasingly hot and flowed out from the furnace in a fountain. The furnace and all of its content were turned into a red-yellow reptilian monster called Iscariot Monster Salamander. Its head and overall body looked similar to a crocodile, while its color pattern was like that of a salamander – maroon with large yellowish spots all over its body. It had huge jaws, sharp claws, a powerful tail capable of lashing out fiery whip strikes, a furnace on its back which enabled it to fire out flaming shells. It was completely impervious to high temperature and fire-based attacks, and could absorb these to empower itself. Salamander had a weakness to cold temperature, and he could be frozen if exposed to low temperature long enough. The Iscariot Monster was a formidable enemy to fight with, and possessed an ever-burning stove on his chest placing a core acting as his life source. The energy inside the furnace was so great that it could be compared with the MOAB (Mother of all bombs) or the Tsar nuclear weapon. Shortly after his creation, Salamander left the factory and began his rampage. Unlike the previous Iscariot Monsters, he acted on his own and fired flaming shells from his furnace randomly without caring about where his shells hit, as long as people inside the impacted sites were frightened and endangered enough. Then Salamander spewed fireballs at the moving traffic to blow up several cars, before retreating to spawn two Judas Coins from his furnace. The Coins melted into two pools of hot liquid metal before changing into the shape of the defeated monsters Cerberus and Phoenix, both of whom were fire-elemental Iscariot Monsters. This had attracted the attention of not only Romeo, Juliet and their friends, but also the Iscariot executives.

"Majesty, I've found something really strange. This thing has created monsters on its own just with its furnace. How can it be possible?" Aisha said as she looked through her crystal sphere alongside her fellow executives.

"It is the very way alchemists of ancient times to create artificial life forms. You know, they make a liquid made from different stuffs, and all their actions aimed to create what known as the elixir of life." Judas Iscariot told his people.

"So he can create homunculi from liquid metal and all sorts? I can't believe it." Francesco asked.

"That's the power of his furnace. Salamander's furnace has created Judas Coins, something very rare among Iscariot Monsters. He doesn't only create Judas Coins that are identical to the originals, but also make them functional. I can see him suitable to be a good servant." Judas said.

"Are you going to call him back for your Coins?" Morgan asked.

"No, I'll let him do anything he likes, wife. He likes to be alone, and he's as hot as fire, literally. Wait for him to cool his head, and we can call him back." Judas said.

While Salamander, Cerberus and Phoenix began their fiery attacks, the damage they had done were ways frighteningly more serious than they did individually before. While Cerberus was dashing around and breathing flames to incinerate everything he saw, Phoenix blew scorching winds to make the flames much worse and burn the air. Salamander was much worse. He drew more heat from his surrounding environment and bombarded every vehicle with his flaming shells. His aim was deadly accurate, and his shells became more and more destructive with more and more heat surrounding him. Salamander, Phoenix and Cerberus had attracted the attention of Romeo and his friends, and they hurried to confront them. This time they were all surprised to meet a formidable enemy.

"If you dare to take one step closer, I'll bury you all in a fiery grave." Salamander said.

"We won't surrender to the Iscariots." Juliet said.

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