Chapter 14: The great war

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December 23, 2015, 9 o'clock, GMT-4, USA time zone, New York. Equivalent to December 23, 2015, 22 o'clock, GMT+9, Japan time zone, Tokyo. Equivalent to December 23, 2015, 22 o'clock, GMT+9, South Korea time zone, Seoul.

After Manticore was destroyed, the Iscariot Army Corps had already been prepared for their plan to enact the Second Coming. They gathered all their generals in the throne room to talk about the plans to invade the world.

Dracula Iscariot said to them, "We will split up to go to every corner of the world and start our plans. We will do like this: each person will go to their own homeland and recruit as many supporters as possible. From a national scale, we will spread it to the neighboring countries and then the entire globe. We will plunge the world into chaos and terror to cleanse it and purge mankind from sin. We must not tarry, for the time for the arrival of the Lord is about to come in no time. We must hurry for the sake of our eternal life and salvation."

After planning carefully for the plans, all the Iscariot generals moved to San Francisco to enact their plan. The first step was that they would destroy the Union Square in San Francisco to create a massive terror amongst the crowd. 

Upon hearing the news about the total onslaught made by the attack, Romeo and his friends quickly arrived to the scene where the Iscariots were on their attack.

"Well, well, you guys were on time for our show. We'll have a good time together." Dracula Iscariot said.

"Why don't you just sit and watch our miracles instead of trying to interfere with our work? We can see the world change into an ideal paradise for us, both humans and Iscariots alike." Morgan said.

"I don't think I can stay outside away from this madness. Your insanity must be stopped." Romeo shook his head.

"And so are you." Dracula Iscariot said.

A battle began and at first, the Iscariot Apostles and their leader Judas Iscariot were at advantage. They launched a massive onslaught against their enemies and delivered heavy damage with their combined finishers. This combined attack was so immense that the earth literally shook and crumbled around Romeo and his friends. Tybalt had disappeared, and so did Juliet. There were only three men facing dozens of Iscariot members including the big boss.

When Mercutio was fighting Francesco and Mahatma, he was at disadvantage. Francesco created an energy barrier to block his melee attacks. Mercutio only carried a crowbar, but as Mahatma took out his lamp and fired a beam at him, he swatted it away like a fly.

Then all the female Iscariot generals gathered up and opened fire at Mercutio with their projectile attacks. But he simple avoided their hailstorm of projectiles and knocked them down one by one.

"Now you have seen how mighty I am. You can never make me surrender to you, for you're too weak for that. But because you're so impressive for interfering with my plans from time to time, I know what to do with you." Judas said to Romeo and Benvolio.

"Never will I agree with monsters on such things." Romeo replied.

Judas got angry and attacked Romeo by hitting him with his clawed hands and sword. This left him open for Benvolio's dash blade attack as he darted towards him and made fourteen consecutive sword slashes to stun him. Dracula Iscariot flew up and landed a shockwave stomp onto the ground to knock Romeo down, only for him to escape. He teleported to Benvolio's position and attempted to strike him, but he quickly dodged his attacks and landed rains of kicks on him while Romeo also landed punches on him at once. Finally, Romeo and Benvolio made their double sword strike on Dracula Iscariot as he landed a shockwave sword slam on the ground to knock them off-balance, which finally brought Dracula Iscariot to his knees but knocking his opponents down in the process.

"Your fight really excites me, but you're still dull in performance. I hope you can improve the next time we meet." Dracula Iscariot disappeared alongside his female generals.

All the other male Iscariot generals (except Francesco and Mahatma) stayed in the fight and battled much longer. One by one they were beaten and forced to leave. Until the appearance of a new general completely different from the rest. He was a very tall man donning a black suit of armor with a long black cloak, holding a sword in one hand and an axe in the other. But he had no head on his neck, and the void on the neck was covered with a tricorne hat that strangely never fell off from where the head should be. The mysterious man's footsteps made the earth freeze, his heartbeats were silent.

Upon reaching the place of the Iscariot generals Jasper, Ruben, William, the headless man waved his sword at them to order them to leave. After these three people left, the man twirled his sword and axe many times before rushing at Romeo's group.

Mercutio: "That's one of disciple of the Iscariots, a ruthless Hessian mercenary known as Ernst Kirchgessner. He's 36-year-old and lives in the era of American Revolutionary War in 1782. He's one of the bloodthirstiest and most brutal combatants in the American Revolutionary War. He wields a sword with a hilt shaped like a serpent and a large battle axe. His undead form is a headless ghost capable of various powers like throwing blue-colored explosive spirit orbs, nigh-immortality, superhuman speed and strength."

Benvolio: "Really? Our files have the info of this creature?"

Romeo: "Look over there!"

Two more new opponents followed the headless horseman to the fight. One of them looked like a colorful clown with knives in his hands and an ever-grinning face always producing psychotic laughters. The other one looked very stoic like a walking iceberg, dressed in the tatterred clothes of a 19th-century court judge and holding a huge hammer in his hand.

"Judge Curtis Holloway was a 40-year-old American judge living in 1816 turned into a telekinetic sledgehammer-wielding zombie wearing a white wig and a tattered court dress. Gilbert Bruce-Joy was a 40-year-old American clown-trickster living in 1989 turned into a telekinetic vampire donning colorful clown cosmetics. He was always seen wielding knives and playing cards. His full name contained elements of 'killjoy', which in turn has the word 'kill' related to the concept of death." Romeo said.

Before Romeo could retreat, the killer clown dashed towards him with his knives raised upwards for a lethal stab, his mouth kept laughing. But Romeo punched his face before the clown could slash him, and he kicked the clown's groin before incapacitating him with an uppercut punch. As for the killer judge, Mercutio knocked him down in spite of being hammered many times into the stomach. Benvolio was having a tough time with Ernst the Hessian horseman, and was about to be strangled when the monster lifted his slender body with only one hand and the other hand was holding the bright burning axe.

"Stop doing that!" Romeo yelled with a reddened face.

Ernst turned around and threw his sword at Romeo as soon as he saw Romeo. The sword never intimidated him. As a response, Ernst squeezed Benvolio's neck until he choked and threw him at Romeo, making the two men crash into each other. After a long stressful battle with the Iscariots, Romeo, and his friends retreated with their bodies in severe wounds. They had directly faced William Wilson the unbeatable photographer as well as numerous fearsome generals. The battle was still not over yet, even after they returned home.

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